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Deleting temp folders when using user per service


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I've opened a support ticket in December about this issue, but unfortunately it has not been picked up. Hence why I'm reporting the problem here.


We use the user per service option in TCadmin (for security and disk quota reasons).

What I've noticed is that these users also get their own directory under C:\users


These directories often contain temporary files, which are created by the game servers or other applications.


The problem is that TCadmin doesn't clean these directories up when a service is moved or deleted.

Over time these directories can start using a lot of disk space. It would be great if a cleanup routine can be implemented which runs when a service is moved or deleted.


Note: We currently use custom scripts to clean up these directories, but adding these scripts to each game service is undesirable and easily overlooked. Hence why I believe this should be coded into TCadmin.

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