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Repeat Section


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I'm looking for any available info on the repeat sections.


I am trying to figure out how to use it. I have figured out RegEx to some extent, but I am having hard time using it with TCAdmin.


It seems variables can be set up within the repeat sections. I am trying to set up more than one variable for a single sections, don't know if that's even possible. If so, I can't figure out the syntax.




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This is an example of a RegEx with 2 variables set:

(<admin steamID="(?<steamId>[0-9]{15,18})" permission_level="(?<permLvl>[0-9]{1,4})" \/>)*


What the above code will do, is capture the whole admin xml string since it's wrapped inside () and then make 2 variables based on the the variable capture:



Using repeat sections are very powerfull, but also the hardest one to do in the config editor.

I have been struggling with it for a long time as well and still am most of the time.


Hope this get's you one step further ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much for the response...


I have lost track of how many hours I've spent trying to figure this out.


All I want to do is have to two or even three variables = this:

ActiveMods=000000000, 000000000, 000000000, 000000000


I have tried at least a thousand different methods to parse that ONE line.. but NONE of them work in TCAdmin to accurately create parameter.


Otherwise I have been able to get all the RegEx editors/testers to do exactly what I want.


If anyone has any suggestions on how to achieve this.. or if maybe TCAdmin Developers could include some resources to that would help me understand how the software handles this code.


At the end of the day I just want to be able to set ONE line of code with two variables.


For some reason with TCA this seems to be impossible.


Also tried to do this with variables in the .INI, but the editors wont read back multiple variables from one line.


Thanks in advance for any help.


Edit2: Here is one example of something that seems to work but NOT in TCAdmin, This is PART of the overall code I am trying to use.



NOTE: Added a space before one of the commas to allow the parser to separate the groups properly. Don't know another way.

ActiveMods=000000000, 000000000 , 000000000, 000000000
Edited by Sipowicz
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