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The Forest Config - Windows - Oxide, Console, Working..


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After searching through the forums for a working config, as I was having issues getting mine functional, I decided to spend more time than I would like to admit, figuring out how to get it completely functional.

Now that I have, after seeing the issues scattered around, I'll gladly share it if it helps anyone.



  • Full Configuration Editor
  • Proper Working Web Console (No commands as it's a game limitation)
  • Reports to Server List
  • Oxide/uMod Ready with scripts to backup and restore the files that it overwrites
  • Saves located right in users directory under "Multiplayer" folder
  • Config is located in the games root directory


Steam Game Server Account

It is important to note, that you will need a Steam Game Server Account, to do so you need to visit https://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers and enter 242760 as the AppID. DO NOT put the dedicated server AppID in here or else it will have trouble reporting to the server list.


Next you will need to enter that into the config beside the variable "serverSteamAccount" (Example: serverSteamAccount 123456789123456789).

The file permission system has been modified to block out the editing ability for the config file, so it is not exposed to the user, all of the things they need to edit is setup in the config editor anyway.



There are scripts that run before install and after uninstall.

It will copy the files that Oxide replaces to an Oxide Backups folder, then installs the mod.

Then after uninstalling, it will erase those files, and copy them back.

This could probably be done by scheduling a steam update/validation but this is the method I chose and if you wish not to use it, go to the Mod Manager > Oxide > Custom Scripts > Click one > Delete > Repeat for other.


A Few Notes

  • The scripts for the Oxide mod use robocopy, if you do not have this then you will need to install it or change the scripts to use copy instead.
  • If you turn off the "showLogs" variable, the Web Console will most likely stop working as this variable allows a batch window to run and report.
  • The engine cannot process white space in the config file, DO NOT space out the variables in the config file with empty spaces to make it look "pretty", use comments if you must do this.
  • Mine is set to run as Local System with no issues.
  • Adding -nographics to the commandline will cause error spam.


It's fairly basic, but it is fully functional (on my end), so I would like to know how others get along with it, always welcome to suggestions or comments as well so if you think something is messed up or could be done better, let me know.

The Forest - Windows.xml

Edited by HellsGuard
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Thank you for the share :)


I am currently having an IP binding problem with it and for some reason I cannot find a solution.


Also another thing, server hangs on Autosave world (but that is probably because the IP problem


Let me know if you encountered this , if yes , what was the fix ?





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