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Counter Strike 1.6 does not work in Windows Server 2019 when using TCAdmin


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I've encountered an issue where Counter Strike 1.6 game servers cannot be launched by TCAdmin V2 on Windows Server 2019.

However it is possible to launch Counter Strike 1.6 servers manually on Windows Server 2019.


Apparently the problem is caused by the fact that Interactive Services Detection Service has been removed on Windows 10 version 1803 and Server 2019, which TCAdmin somehow relies on for this particular game.

I've opened a ticket with this back in January with Luis, however I haven't had a reply in a while.

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Hi, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 don't have support for the "Interactive Services Detection" service anymore. This causes some games to fail. The solution is to stop the TCAdmin Service Manager service. Kill all processes named TCAdminServiceLauncher.exe then start the service manager in console mode so the game servers can start in the desktop session


from Luis will fix your issue

thank you from him

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Yes this is the solution Luis proposed, but it's not working.

When I start TCAdmin Service Manager the game servers are not started.


This is from the service manager log:

TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
Software Version :
.NET Version : 4.0.30319.42000 Windows 64 bits
uPnP Port Forwarding : Disabled
Current User : Administrator
Debug Mode : Enabled

The Service Manager has been started on
Shutdown detected. Applying startup delay of 5 seconds...
ServiceId 2640 - Initializing service 1 of 44 (auto startup)
User TCAGame_Svc2640 - Service launcher pid file exists. Trying to recover process...
User TCAGame_Svc2640 - Process was not recovered
67328 - ServiceId: 3963 Before: Install Memory: 38.68 MB
67328 - ServiceId: 3963 After: Install Memory: 38.71 MB
38102 - ServiceId: 3963 Before: Start Memory: 38.75 MB
ServiceId 3963 - Starting...
User TCAGame_Svc3963 - Service launcher pid file exists. Trying to recover process...


This happens even after a fresh reboot, when there shouldn't be any services to recover.

When running the TCAdmin Service Manager as a service this issue does not appear.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately the fix for Counter Strike 1.6 doesn't work for some other games.


For example Battlefield 2 and Eldewrito both don't work when launched through TCAdmin on Windows Server 2019. However these two games work fine when launched from the Windows command prompt manually.

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