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Minecraft Backup Function


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Hi EVeryone


I got a VIP client that is asking if there is a way I can create a backup botton for him, that he can click and it backups his servers.


Now I am thinking of just making a batch file to do this, but the issue is how do I stop his services with a batch file and start it after the copy has taken place?


I am thinking of something like this


Stop service

Run a Rar.exe to zip the folders.

Copy the zip to desired location

Start his service


Then somehow I need to be able to add this to a schedule for it to run


Any idea's where I can start or suggestions?

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It's actually very easy to start and stop it - it's built into TCAdmin. If you select the Custom Action or Custom Icon event, you can make TCAdmin stop the service before the script is executed: https://i.imgur.com/SyA7AvF.png

The service is automatically started after.



If you allow scheduling, the client can create a scheduled task that does this every few hours.

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