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How to install ARK MOD?


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A mod installer is actually built into ARK.

Open up the Game.ini and add the following to the top of the file:


As you can probably tell, you need to add one line per mod.

Now go to GameUserSettings.ini and add the same IDs to ActiveMods.




Every time you start the server, the mods will be downloaded through SteamCMD.

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  DennisMidjord said:
A mod installer is actually built into ARK.

Open up the Game.ini and add the following to the top of the file:


As you can probably tell, you need to add one line per mod.

Now go to GameUserSettings.ini and add the same IDs to ActiveMods.




Every time you start the server, the mods will be downloaded through SteamCMD.


Every time I start the server, the mods will be downloaded through SteamCMD? Does this cause the game to start slower?

I saw your previous post, maybe I can enable Steam Workshop, I'm still trying.

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  DennisMidjord said:
A mod installer is actually built into ARK.

Open up the Game.ini and add the following to the top of the file:


As you can probably tell, you need to add one line per mod.

Now go to GameUserSettings.ini and add the same IDs to ActiveMods.




Every time you start the server, the mods will be downloaded through SteamCMD.


This seems really easy but it doesn't appear to be working with my ARK servers. I have SteamCmd installed in the server's directory as well.


  LFA said:
Other clients have mentioned the workshop browser does a better job because Ark's built in mod downloader can fail with large mods. https://help.tcadmin.com/Workshop_Browser


I have that configured correctly, and it does move the directory, create the .mod file, and add the mod ID to the GameUserSettings.ini file, however, I receive the following error when attempting to run the server after about a minute. I've attempted this with multiple mods such as Structures+ that are highly popular and regularly maintained.


Using binned.

4.5.1-0+UE4 7038 3077 404 10

[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110

LowLevelFatalError [File:H:\Trunk\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\LinkerLoad.cpp] [Line: 3920]

Bad name index -1126911658/109

Signal 11 caught.

EngineCrashHandler: Signal=11

Segmentation fault (core dumped)


Any help would be appreciated!

Edited by Jimmy-CS
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  DennisMidjord said:
Really? I've never seen any issues with the built-in mod downloader. I have had some issues with huge mods when using this tool: https://github.com/barrycarey/Ark_Mod_Downloader which is also using arkit :)

That was a long time ago, and there's definately pros and cons to each solution.

Yes -- we have clients experience these issues all the time. We actually use a modified version of the utility you linked. After re-working the extraction method it basically works flawlessly and significantly faster than everything else we've tried. We plan on implementing it in place of the scripts available on the wiki.

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  DennisMidjord said:
You should use AppID 376030 for the server. Right now, you're trying to start the ARK game as a server.


Thanks for the reply Dennis.


I have 376030 set for the server type. I'm not sure why it's showing the store ID. The only place that is entered is under Store Id (for Steam API).


I can't seem to find any answers on reddit, SurviveTheArk, or anywhere else online for the error I'm receiving.


The script for the Workshop was setup in accordance with the TCA Wiki, along with Luis' blessing, and we're trying it on regularly maintained mods, so I'm not sure where the problem is stemming from. Ideally, I'd like to use the TCA workshop browser due to the simplicity. And so far I'm not turning up anything for the Signal 11 error I'm receiving.

Edited by Jimmy-CS
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Try this solution at the bottom:


In case anyone ever has this error, I just fixed it.


I figure out that official servers and single-player Aberration (SPA) worked just fine, but the unofficial that I play on did not. I loaded all the mods up in SPA, using the unofficial's mod list order, and it crashed with the same error. I then removed mods one at a time until I found which one was crashing (in this case it was a mod that had not been updated, so I believe my files were corrupted or damaged somehow).


Once I figured out which mod made the game crash, I unsubbed from that mod in the Workshop, deleted the files (ARK/ShooterGame/Content/Mods, then you use the Steam ID of the mod which is in the title bar, looks like a bunch of numbers). I resubbed and had the file redownload, and was able to log in to the SPA no problem, AND then to my unofficial server without an issue.


Basically remove all mods from the ini and try adding them back one at a time to see which one crashes.

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Thanks for the reply, Luis.


I've done that process a few times already and I've actually come across that exact thread while researching this topic :p


When I'm testing the process, I'm only picking one mod to test with, which has been updated recently on the workshop. So far after testing multiple mods, the same signal 11 error prevails. No mods- clean startup no problem.




Tonight while continuing to debug this, I came across two mods (Easy Cooker 1.0 and Admin Signs) which work fine with the TCA Workshop downloader, even when installed together. So, the TCA workshop download appears to be functioning fine and multiple mods can successfully be loaded onto a server by using it. I was beginning to think that it was corrupting files upon install which may have been causing the error but that was merely speculation. I just don't understand why some of the more popular mods that have been updated recently such as Structures+ don't work.. they're not even substantially large in size.


My seven hours of research on the subject haven't turned up any other cause thus far so I'm going to stop here pending any new information that surfaces.


Let me know if anyone else has any more luck!

Edited by Jimmy-CS
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  • 3 months later...
  Mods said:
Yes -- we have clients experience these issues all the time. We actually use a modified version of the utility you linked. After re-working the extraction method it basically works flawlessly and significantly faster than everything else we've tried. We plan on implementing it in place of the scripts available on the wiki.


What changes did you make to the script for faster install? It is taking a very long time when extracting large mods. Much appreciated!

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