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[Request] DayZ Mods


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Hi all,


Was just wondering if anyone has some scripts setup to install some of the most common DayZ SA Mods and also edits the needed files with the mod additions required.


I was personally thinking along the lines of in the more common files for editing, have a comment added that can be replaced by scripts with the new mod info required (then have the new mod also end in the same comment for adding more mods that also require changes in the same file) is that even possible?

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Hi Dennis,


Yea, mods from the workshop.


With DayZ SA Alot of the mods aren't just the case of drag and drop into root, especially mods that'll add new items to the game, they require the Types.xml edited to add the classes or files added to the profile folders.


Good examples are Trader mod, FIDOv Pack 4.

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I have a few scripts that will create the necessary 'profile' folder folders for Trader and Community Online tools. They are currently set as 'Actions' menu items in our setup. They do not install the mods.


Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but will gladly share what I have created.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Fj,


Sorry for the lack of replies, been a busy few months for myself. I'm actually going to try using TCA's built in workshop and see if we can expand from that, tho I'm currently getting

'Steam download failed after 5 retries' (even tho I have that set to 10 in the settings)

which I need to figure out first, once I can get the mods installing via the workshop then fingers crossed I can work on expanding a few of them to maybe setup the files for the more common ones.

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