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bf2142 ranked partnership


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Hi gamesclan as a lot of providers has been cut form the ranked program.


I want ask if someone want help to us to host ranked bf2142 for our customer.


This is my idea, if someone add some Gamesclan ip's to the ranked program as his ip, we will host for free any game server you sell outside your datacenter in Central Europe and italy.


For example if one ranked bf2142 add a gamesclan ip to his lists of the ranked ip and you are in USA if you get customer in Central Europe or Italy you get the rent and we host your customer game server for free


I hope some one is interested



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I agree we have the biggest number of bf2 ranked server in Italy and they taking us off from bf2142.

This is a system to boycoting them

The problem probabily is that the new bf2142 provider still doesn't know how much is bad EA company.

I hope some older and expert company want help us

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to hear you lost your partnership for 2142 Diego. But another authorized provider allowing you to do that would be against EA's rules, and they would most likely lose their EA partnership as well.


So I don't think it would be a good idea to ask someone to do that.

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Personally I can see Ventrilo's reasoning behind what they do. Keep in mind I don't agree with it, but...


Regardless of how many resellers they have, if someone wants a Vent server they will get one from somewhere. And Flagship still gets their money either way.

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  • 1 month later...
Im pretty sure this is disallowed by EA.


Honestly, Im thinking of boycotting EA games because of their bullshit



Just wanted to say that the gsp we get a few of our servers from that we dont run on our dedicated box said that he refuses to host EA ranked games and is concentrating more on games like R6 ETQW and STALKER. However he will host unranked games, but im not sure how long that will last....




just throwin out my .37 cents

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