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Future of Teamspeak


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I think TeamSpeak is dying. The v5 beta is awful. I know it's a beta, but it's so bad. It feels like they tried to create a Discord clone but failed greatly.

For months, I've been waiting for them to implement the Global Chat feature, and every time I ask, I'm just told that it's still being worked on but that it's almost done. I've been asking since the closed beta was released. Channel/Server settings are missing a lot of the basic features that TeamSpeak 3 has.

The design is so bad. Everything feels wrong about version 5.

I don't think TeamSpeak will survive much longer - and if it will, they'll manage the hosting themselves.

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When we started hosting, discord had just came out and everyone was moving over to it. We didn't see a point in offering TeamSpeak hosting so we never did, I don't think we need to worry.

I agree with Dennis, I was also in the beta for TeamSpeak, and everything does just feel wrong. Discord is the new teamspeak and better by a million miles, plus its free for everyone.

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I hosted TeamSpeak for almost 20 years.  It was a great money maker for a long time.  After Discord became popular, I lost 90% of my TeamSpeak customers switching to it since it is free. I recently had to make the hard choice to discontinue offering it,  TeamSpeak 3 was very good, but I agree with Dennis on V5 being terrible,  I do not care for the lag in Discord, but it does have some nice features, plus I do not like it since it cost me a good amount of income ?  

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