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Future of Gameservers not releasing server files


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It's extremely frustrating and disappointing that several new games are not releasing server files for private use- that we server providers cannot utilise to offer new games.

Miscreated learned that it was a terrible idea not to provide server hosting files. However several other games such as hell let loose, scum and deadside that was just released are not providing server files.


g-portal which is not tcadmin-based has somehow upsurped official game provider status for several games. I am wondering if there's a way to we hosting companies can attempt to influence these games to not offering a "official host" and support us other hosting companies.

Edited by CloudNine
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I share the same sentiment. Typically, most Steam games offer the server files so it's frustrating that they wouldn't. I think I recall hearing something a while ago that Scum will eventually.. but I forget what source I read that at and whether or not it was even official information.

It certainly makes it tough for us hosts. If Rust, ARK, and 7 Days never released their files, I probably wouldn't be in business right now.

I'm not aware of any way to petition these companies to make their files open nor do I really want to give them the time of day if they're hesitant to do so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think g-portal must have paid them to have exclusivity for a certain amount of time, but thats fine for them but doesn't help anyone else, and will just hurt scum etc in the long run as if the server files were with a lot more hosts people who prefer to only use the hosts they like would have the option to have a scum server and may if they do not have it purchase the game.

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  • 3 months later...

Forget about exclusivity or ranked type server files. The real threat here is games are moving away from a game server model. It's all about lobbies hosted somewhere.

It's a damn shame, as modding a game server was the "gateway drug" that got me into IT and programming.

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  • 3 months later...

We have to hope that indie developers will be the major push away from the "self hosted/lobby" model. However several of these russian developers are getting deals with g-portal or zap hosting to make it exclusive with them only in return for probably a % of the payments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm hopeful that the direction game developers will take is in our favor. While it may be a dream nonetheless, there's still some top titles that are planning on allowing third party server providers. 

Don't forget that a lot of clans/gaming communities also like hosting their own servers for the sake of nourishing their community engagement. With more and more AAA titles moving in the other direction, it's also effecting these communities and the level of engagement from players. When BF1 released, a huge clan, Edge Gamers, took a massive hit and it practically wiped out their entire BF division. 


Only time will tell but i'm personally hopeful. 

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  • 3 months later...

Dear Members,

I am a official Tester for SCUM and work closely with the Developers and they will release the server files for private use when they reach 1.0 (Release State). Although they are currently allowing hosting company's to host SCUM servers too! In the beginning it was only G-portal but now it is G-portal, Nitrado, SurvivalSevers, PingPerfect (they use TCadmin 2) this because they do not have the tools and utilities for private users to host a server properly nor is the build stable enough yet. But I can assure you that they will release them fo private use in the future and currently they are expanding their contacts with professsional hosters.

Kind regards,

- Acronite.

P.S: Jimmy-CS can you please send me your contact details such as your Discord etc I hope to hear from you ASAP!

Edited by Acronite
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18 minutes ago, Acronite said:

Dear Members,

I am a official Tester for SCUM and work closely with the Developers and they will release the server files for private use when they reach 1.0 (Release State). Although they are currently allowing hosting company's to host SCUM servers too! In the beginning it was only G-portal but now it is G-portal, Nitrado, SurvivalSevers, PingPerfect (they use TCadmin 2) this because they do not have the tools and utilities for private users to host a server properly nor is the build stable enough yet. But I can assure you that they will release them fo private use in the future and currently they are expanding their contacts with professsional hosters.

Kind regards,

- Acronite.

P.S: Jimmy-CS can you please send me your contact details such as your Discord etc I hope to hear from you ASAP!

So as alot of Hosting companies (me being one of them) how can we obtain files, What is the procedure and documents required? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/27/2021 at 10:46 AM, SHAD0WRAIDERZA said:

So as alot of Hosting companies (me being one of them) how can we obtain files, What is the procedure and documents required? 

What is the name of your company? What hardware are you able to offer? Let me know!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/4/2021 at 8:01 PM, Acronite said:

What is the name of your company? What hardware are you able to offer? Let me know!


We've emailed SCUM developers several times requesting access, never had a reply from them.

 Not sure what the best way to contact them is but we've used emails listed on the site, we've even tweeted them at some point too.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Same here. Tried e-mail, website form and even twitter DM, we gave up trying to contact them. 
Shame, cause we had a lot of requests for SCUM, since other gameserver providers where offering it. 
Now we use a standard reply, guiding them to other games that we do offer. 

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  • 1 month later...

Players control most of the aspect of the games....Ask EA/Dice how financially painful it can be to ignore the players....Game Dev's don't have to listen to host providers/server owners, we're nothing to them....Players make the world go round.....If enough players demand something....it's the only saving grace for certain things, like modding, and private servers....Get your players speaking your woes, and thing's will change....But change won't come for host providers without spending money, bribing those who matter, or getting players to be your voice...

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  • 1 year later...

 In the beginning it was only G-portal but now it is G-portal, Nitrado, SurvivalSevers, PingPerfect (they use TCadmin 2) this because they do not have the tools and utilities for private users to host a server properly nor is the build stable enough yet. But I can assure you that they will release them fo private use in the future and currently they are expanding their contacts with professsional hosters.

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Edited by richerd34f
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