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Panel is not working [Connection Refused]


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I have too problem i don't know where is this problem....


Here is  from debug console

pid 26135's current affinity mask: f
pid 26135's new affinity mask: f
pid 26136's current affinity mask: f
pid 26136's new affinity mask: f
pid 26137's current affinity mask: f
pid 26137's new affinity mask: f
TCAdmin - The Game Hosting Control Panel
Executing setenforce...
Executed setenforce
Securing folders...
Secured /home/tcadmin
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Services
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/WebServices
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/ControlPanel
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Database
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Backup
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Logs
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Cache
Secured /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Temp
Secured folders
Setting owner of keep-alive.sh...
Set owner of keep-alive.sh
Configuring .config files...
Configured .config files
Configuring Monitor files...
Configured Monitor files
Configuring Shared files...
Configured Shared files
Configuring database connection...
Configured database connection
Software Version         :
Mono Version             : Linux 64 bits
Monitor Ports            : Secure: 8891 Standard: 8890
uPnP Port Forwarding     : Disabled
Current User             : root
Database Engine          : MySQL
Database Cache           : Enabled
Threads                  : 20000 of 20000
Debug Mode               : Enabled
Security                 : Tls 1.2, Tls 1.1, Tls 1.0
Processors               : 4

Installing bundled module Alexr03.Common-Bundled...
Extracting /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Shared/bin-extensions-bundles/Alexr03.Common-Bundled.zip (341.69 KB)
Extracting file Monitor/Alexr03.Common.dll...
Extracting file Monitor/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.dll...
Extracting file Monitor/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll...
Extracting file Monitor/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll...
Extracting file Monitor/Serilog.dll...
Extracting file Monitor/Serilog.Sinks.Console.dll...
Extracting file Monitor/Serilog.Sinks.File.dll...
Extracting file Views/Default/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.Web.Controllers/ArCommon/ArCommonConfiguration.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.Web.Controllers/ArCommon/Index.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.Web.Controllers/ArCommon/Sql.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/Shared/Main.Plugin.Alexr03Common.js...
Extracting file Views/Default/Shared/_Head.Plugin.Alexr03Common.cshtml...
Extracting file Alexr03.Common.dll...
Extracting file Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.dll...
Extracting file install.sql...
Extracting file Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll...
Extracting file Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll...
Extracting file Module.json...
Extracting file Serilog.dll...
Extracting file Serilog.Sinks.Console.dll...
Extracting file Serilog.Sinks.File.dll...
Extracting file uninstall.sql...
Installing bundled module Custom Mods - External Mods Downloader-Bundled...
Extracting /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Shared/bin-extensions-bundles/Custom Mods - External Mods Downloader-Bundled.zip (271.48 KB)
Extracting file Monitor/TCAdminCustomMods.dll...
Extracting file Views/Default/Game/Service/_PageIcons.Plugin.CustomMods.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/Shared/Main.Plugin.CustomMods.css...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomMods/CurseProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomMods/Index.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomMods/MinecraftModpacksProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomMods/ModIoProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomMods/SteamWorkshopProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomMods/UModProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomModsAdmin/CurseProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomModsAdmin/GeneralConfiguration.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomModsAdmin/Index.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomModsAdmin/MinecraftModpacksProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomModsAdmin/ModIoProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomModsAdmin/SteamWorkshopProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/CustomModsAdmin/UModProvider.cshtml...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/Images/curseforge.svg...
Extracting file Views/Default/TCAdminCustomMods.Controllers/Images/ftb.png...
Extracting file install.sql...
Extracting file Module.json...
Extracting file TCAdminCustomMods.dll...
Extracting file uninstall.sql...
Copying Shared\bin-extensions...
Copied Shared\bin-extensions.
Copying bin-extensions...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Custom Mods - External Mods Downloader-Bundled-1.0.0/TCAdminCustomMods.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/TCAdminCustomMods.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/GSLT Popup-1.0.3/TCAdminGSLT.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/TCAdminGSLT.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/TCAdminCrons-2.0.5/FluentScheduler.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/FluentScheduler.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/TCAdminCrons-2.0.5/TCAdminCrons.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/TCAdminCrons.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Alexr03.Common.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Alexr03.Common.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Serilog.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Serilog.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Serilog.Sinks.Console.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Serilog.Sinks.Console.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Serilog.Sinks.File.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Serilog.Sinks.File.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Custom Mods - External Mods Downloader-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/TCAdminCustomMods.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/TCAdminCustomMods.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/GSLT Popup-1.0.3/Monitor/TCAdminGSLT.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/TCAdminGSLT.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/TCAdminCrons-2.0.5/Monitor/FluentScheduler.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/FluentScheduler.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/TCAdminCrons-2.0.5/Monitor/TCAdminCrons.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/TCAdminCrons.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/Alexr03.Common.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Alexr03.Common.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Alexr03.Common.TCAdmin.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/Serilog.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Serilog.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/Serilog.Sinks.Console.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Serilog.Sinks.Console.dll...
Copying /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin-extensions/Alexr03.Common-Bundled-1.0.0/Monitor/Serilog.Sinks.File.dll to /home/tcadmin/ControlPanel.MVC/bin/Serilog.Sinks.File.dll...
Copied bin-extensions.
WebConfigurationManager's LRUcache Size overriden to: 2000 (via MONO_ASPNET_WEBCONFIG_CACHESIZE)
Starting the Monitor Web Service...
WebConfigurationManager's LRUcache Size overriden to: 2000 (via MONO_ASPNET_WEBCONFIG_CACHESIZE)
The Monitor Web Service has been started.
Starting the Public MVC Web Service...
Listening on address:
Root directory: /home/tcadmin/Monitor
Address already in use
  at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Listen (System.Int32 backlog) [0x00030] in <5ac5513a1ab7495cab9a4cbe1e35d78f>:0
  at Mono.WebServer.ApplicationServer.Start (System.Boolean bgThread, System.Int32 backlog) [0x00086] in <cb67e34e0d12485694dd7ff80bee019d>:0
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) Mono.WebServer.ApplicationServer.Start(bool,int)
  at Mono.WebServer.XSP.Server.DebugMain (System.String[] args, System.Boolean root, Mono.WebServer.IApplicationHost ext_apphost, System.Boolean quiet) [0x0022f] in <f4f8ea83a90d4ce9a614a78fc356cd2f>:0
The Public MVC Web Service has been started.
Listening on 'TransparentProxyEndPoint' endpoint at Ip and port: 8881
Starting the Task Scheduler...
WebConfigurationManager's LRUcache Size overriden to: 2000 (via MONO_ASPNET_WEBCONFIG_CACHESIZE)
The Task Scheduler has been started.
Starting the Game Monitor Service...
WebConfigurationManager's LRUcache Size overriden to: 2000 (via MONO_ASPNET_WEBCONFIG_CACHESIZE)
The Game Monitor Service has been started.
Starting TCAdmin Crons...
TCAdmin Crons has started.
TCAdmin Crons - By Alexr03 | Contributors: M0RG4N01 | Version: 1.0.8025.21494
WebConfigurationManager's LRUcache Size overriden to: 2000 (via MONO_ASPNET_WEBCONFIG_CACHESIZE)
Initializing Cron Registry
 has been scheduled to run at Tuesday, January 25, 2022 4:16:30 AM
 has been scheduled to run at Tuesday, January 25, 2022 4:16:30 AM
 has been scheduled to run at Tuesday, January 25, 2022 4:16:30 AM
 has been scheduled to run at Tuesday, January 25, 2022 4:16:30 AM
 has been scheduled to run at Tuesday, January 25, 2022 4:16:30 AM
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:30.92 INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2022-01-25T03:16:30|------------------------|
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:31.11 INF] Running...
The System Monitor Service has been started.
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:31.90 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.18.1
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:31.94 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.18
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:31.97 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.17.1
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.01 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.17
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.06 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.16.5
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.10 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.16.4
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.13 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.16.3
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.17 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.16.2
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.23 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.16.1
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.27 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.15.2
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.31 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.15.1
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.35 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.15
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.39 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.14.4
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.42 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.14.3
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.46 INF] [Minecraft Spigot Update Cron] Game Update already exists for 1.14.2
[MinecraftSpigotUpdatesCron 03:16:32.46 INF] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.46 INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2022-01-25T03:16:32|------------------------|
Starting the FTP Service...
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.50 INF] Running...
The FTP Service has been started on port 8821.
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.74 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.18.1
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.78 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.18
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.82 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.17.1
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.85 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.17
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.89 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.5
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.92 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.4
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:32.96 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.3
WebConfigurationManager's LRUcache Size overriden to: 2000 (via MONO_ASPNET_WEBCONFIG_CACHESIZE)
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.00 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.2
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.04 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.1
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.07 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.15.2
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.11 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.15.1
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.18 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.15
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.24 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.14.4
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.29 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.14.3
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.33 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.14.2
[MinecraftBukkitUpdatesCron 03:16:33.33 INF] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[MinecraftPaperUpdatesCron 03:16:33.33 INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2022-01-25T03:16:33|------------------------|
[MinecraftPaperUpdatesCron 03:16:33.36 INF] Running...
Starting Alexr03.Common Service...
[ArCommonService 03:16:33.82 INF] Skipping registration of Alexr03.Common onto Master as it is already registered.
Alexr03.Common Service has successfully started!

The Master Monitor has been started on vps-91a8fba9

Type 'quit' to exit. For a list of commands type 'help'.

tca # [MinecraftPaperUpdatesCron 03:16:34.07 FTL] Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: GameId
[MinecraftPaperUpdatesCron 03:16:34.07 INF] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.08 INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2022-01-25T03:16:34|------------------------|
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.11 INF] Running...
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.40 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.18.1
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.44 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.18
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.49 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.17.1
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.55 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.17
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.60 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.5
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.75 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.4
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.79 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.3
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:34.94 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.2
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.10 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16.1
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.18 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.16
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.36 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.15.2
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.50 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.15.1
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.55 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.15
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.62 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.14.4
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.78 INF] Game Update already exists for 1.14.3
[MinecraftVanillaUpdatesCron 03:16:35.78 INF] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:35.78 INF] |------------------------|Log Initialised @ 2022-01-25T03:16:35|------------------------|
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:35.82 INF] Running...
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:36.11 INF] Saved Game Update for 22w03a
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:36.20 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18.1-rc3
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:36.37 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18.1-rc2
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:36.49 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18.1-rc1
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:36.66 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18.1-pre1
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:36.81 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-rc4
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:36.99 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-rc3
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:37.08 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-rc2
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:37.26 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-rc1
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:37.41 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-pre8
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:37.56 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-pre7
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:37.64 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-pre6
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:37.79 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-pre5
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:37.87 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-pre4
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:38.02 INF] Saved Game Update for 1.18-pre3
[MinecraftVanillaSnapshotUpdatesCron 03:16:38.02 INF] |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Reloaded tasks. Count: 1
TASK: 51 - Update Java EXECUTION TIME (LOCAL): 1/31/2022 12:00:00 AM UTC: 1/31/2022 12:00:00 AM
Certificate for expires in 89 days on 4/24/2022 4:45:20 PM
Cert expires on 4/24/2022 4:45:20 PM will try again on 3/29/2022 4:45:20 PM
1/25/2022 3:17:34 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #1
1/25/2022 3:17:35 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #2
1/25/2022 3:17:36 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #3
1/25/2022 3:17:36 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #4
1/25/2022 3:17:36 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #5
1/25/2022 3:17:36 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #6
1/25/2022 3:17:36 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #7
1/25/2022 3:17:36 AM Testing if monitor is responding... Test #8
1/25/2022 3:17:36 AM All tests completed successfully.
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here is  from netstat -tulnp


and TCAdmin is installed on OVH VPS Server, maby don't need install on vps this control panel but need install on dedicated server and vps use like second server like remote for tcadmin.??????? SRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH.


Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1632/./srcds_linux
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1532/mono
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      615/rpcbind
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1216/sshd
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1152/master
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1673/mono
tcp6       0      0 :::111                  :::*                    LISTEN      615/rpcbind
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      1216/sshd
tcp6       0      0 ::1:25                  :::*                    LISTEN      1152/master
udp        0      0    *                           871/dhclient
udp        0      0   *                           615/rpcbind
udp        0      0 *                           628/chronyd
udp        0      0   *                           615/rpcbind
udp        0      0*                           1632/./srcds_linux
udp        0      0*                           1632/./srcds_linux
udp        0      0*                           1632/./srcds_linux
udp6       0      0 :::111                  :::*                                615/rpcbind
udp6       0      0 ::1:323                 :::*                                628/chronyd
udp6       0      0 :::787                  :::*                                615/rpcbind


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 this and very many more but 4h  before this doesnt show from debug mode. but how i am doesnt installed other files only for files for tcadmin and 2 days working gud and now all stop this week this is  second time when stop work after fresh os installed  VPS Server centos 7 OS

 at  . (System.String[] ) [0x001d4] in <eb4142a81ae74a181f996d910dc696a7>:0
  at  . (System.String[] ) [0x00000] in <eb4142a81ae74a181f996d910dc696a7>:0
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.Exception: Endpoint Titanium.Web.Proxy.Models.TransparentProxyEndPoint failed to start. Check inner exception and exception data for details. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Address already in use
  at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind (System.Net.EndPoint localEP) [0x00043] in <5ac5513a1ab7495cab9a4cbe1e35d78f>:0
  at System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.Start (System.Int32 backlog) [0x00044] in <5ac5513a1ab7495cab9a4cbe1e35d78f>:0
  at System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.Start () [0x00000] in <5ac5513a1ab7495cab9a4cbe1e35d78f>:0
  at Titanium.Web.Proxy.ProxyServer.listen (Titanium.Web.Proxy.Models.ProxyEndPoint endPoint) [0x00044] in <7bd84338c3d042059f4e264a6c530a2d>:0
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at Titanium.Web.Proxy.ProxyServer.listen (Titanium.Web.Proxy.Models.ProxyEndPoint endPoint) [0x000c2] in <7bd84338c3d042059f4e264a6c530a2d>:0
  at Titanium.Web.Proxy.ProxyServer.Start () [0x0018b] in <7bd84338c3d042059f4e264a6c530a2d>:0
  at  . (System.String[] ) [0x001d4] in <eb4142a81ae74a181f996d910dc696a7>:0
  at  . (System.String[] ) [0x00000] in <eb4142a81ae74a181f996d910dc696a7>:0
kill: sending signal to 12108 failed: No such process

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  • Dennis changed the title to Panel is not working [Connection Refused]

Well, it can't be a fresh installation of TCAdmin since you've already setup multiple services - which means that TCAdmin was working at some point.

Unfortunately, I can't help troubleshoot the issue from here. You will need to create a support ticket with login details for your server.

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42 minutes ago, Dennis said:

Well, it can't be a fresh installation of TCAdmin since you've already setup multiple services - which means that TCAdmin was working at some point.

Unfortunately, I can't help troubleshoot the issue from here. You will need to create a support ticket with login details for your server.

i mean  os fresh install and on fresh os i installed only TCADMIN yes i have 4 services but all time every 2 days all going down hosted vps on OVH

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bug problem resolved. centos 7 is very big bug for tcadmin now i use ubuntu 20.4 and all work fine only minecraf server i mean not working use too much ram allocate ram i added max 2Gb but server use 4+gb without players and without plugin just clean server running  for test

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