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Looking to Hire a Developer to setup TCAdmin and configure


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1. TCAdmin setup and configure

2. MySQL setup and configure to work with TCAdmin (works with game service creations each server have their database for users to use)

3. Install New Popular Game Config  easy to use and can change specs on the fly (Storage disk limit , Ram limit , CPU limit)

4. WHMCS integration future proof as iam planning to use in very near future

5. (optional) if you also have experience to create website for game hosting to work with TCAdmin and WHMCS i will pay extra

Note : everything have to be working for windows 10 , if you need to access the host machine it will be by remote access

Note 2 : i will keep asking for your services and also hire you again

price can be negotiable , Paying Half amount to start and the rest before finish

contact me on discord 7senoTV#1111

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