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1 year and loving even more


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My experience with TCAdmin has been crazy, I host mainly for a game which is not officially included in the control panel, But with how easy to use TCAdmin is and yet how Advanced you can go with it I can host this game without any problems.


I have often needed support whilst learning how to use TCAdmin and whenever i submitted a ticket it was always resolved and answered quickly, Several times recieved replies from 2 different members of staff who seemed to both be eager to help out.


Its great to be able to read up on new ideas and seeing GSP's helping each other out by means of this forum.


I have never had a problem with TCAdmin that wasnt fixed quickly with the help of the TCAdmin staff. Even when constantly changing what packages i rent from them (eg remote servers, modernbill ect) It has never been a problem to be "flexible".



1 year gone, Many more to go.


Great Product right here. Great PEOPLE right here.!


Keep up the good work.

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