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The Front Config help


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I have 2.

1 [thefront - windows(3)]= original (before THEFRONTMANAGER folder was created) all variables within commandline (1/3 of them)

2nd [thefront - windows(4)] = latest with THEFRONTMANAGER folder than has the ini file in it.


If ping shows 9999ms that is normal (seems to get fixed and unfixed). Could be router/switch setting my end.

These are beta, working, tested but may change pending devlopment of game and servers.

Will update into resources soon unless others do.


thefront - Windows(3).xml thefront - Windows(4).xml

Edited by jungleNZ
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10 minutes ago, ibun_bloodarm said:

Thankyou jungleNZ

ill give it a try and update with what i had already built then share if thats ok.

i think to fix the ping 9999 Error a command is required, ill try and find this command again and send this in 🙂


Udrs=steam was previously used but now not work, let me know if anything else works. Thanks

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Removing the command "Udrs=steam"

Seems to resolve the ping issue 😉 

I'm currently using the below command line

ProjectWar_Start?DedicatedServer?MaxPlayers=$[Service.Slots] -server -game -QueueThreshold=$[Service.Slots] -ConfigServerName="$[HostName]" -ServerName="$[HostName]" -log -locallogtimes -EnableParallelCharacterMovementTickFunction -EnableParallelCharacterTickFunction -UseDynamicPhysicsScene -OutIPAddress=$[Service.IpHostname] -port=$[Service.GamePort] -BeaconPort=$[Service.CustomPort1] -QueryPort=$[Service.QueryPort] -Game.PhysicsVehicle=![GamePhysicsVehicle] -ansimalloc -Game.MaxFrameRate=35 -ShutDownServicePort=$[Service.CustomPort2] -ServerTags=![ServerTags]

and in config file i set 

Edited by ibun_bloodarm
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6 hours ago, ibun_bloodarm said:

i have switched to console to read from log file.

Seems although what you had before was prettier it seemed to cut out a fair bit

first couple of charactors per line if i remember correctly


Does not do that on my console,

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8 hours ago, ibun_bloodarm said:

Removing the command "Udrs=steam"

Seems to resolve the ping issue 😉 

I'm currently using the below command line

ProjectWar_Start?DedicatedServer?MaxPlayers=$[Service.Slots] -server -game -QueueThreshold=$[Service.Slots] -ConfigServerName="$[HostName]" -ServerName="$[HostName]" -log -locallogtimes -EnableParallelCharacterMovementTickFunction -EnableParallelCharacterTickFunction -UseDynamicPhysicsScene -OutIPAddress=$[Service.IpHostname] -port=$[Service.GamePort] -BeaconPort=$[Service.CustomPort1] -QueryPort=$[Service.QueryPort] -Game.PhysicsVehicle=![GamePhysicsVehicle] -ansimalloc -Game.MaxFrameRate=35 -ShutDownServicePort=$[Service.CustomPort2] -ServerTags=![ServerTags]

and in config file i set 

Done that, still no change - seems to be an issue for some - devs working on it

Put udrs=steam with ? at end and this seems to have fixed it.

Now they done a roll back and it is fkd again. Geez


Edited by jungleNZ
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yes they are some what difficult 🙂
i currently have this, have been working on making the config files work with the command lines to give clients more options on Personalising servers.

i havn't had a huge time so its still incomplete but so far it seems to be working ok.

thefront - Windows (3).xml

Edited by ibun_bloodarm
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