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Request - SOF2


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Copy and paste this to a text file and name it sof.txt. Then import it.



<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
 <NAME>Soldier of Fortune II</NAME>
 <DEFAULTCMDLINE>+set net_noipx 1 +set dedicated 2 +set net_port %serverport% +set sv_pure 0 +set com_hunkmegs 32 +set net_ip %serverip%</DEFAULTCMDLINE>
     <CONTENTS>// *NOTE* any line that starts with // is ignored by the Quake engine.

//Bot Support - uncomment to activate bot support
//set bot_enable 1
// Server Config
seta sv_hostname "%hostname%"
Server Motd
set server_motd0 ""
//Server Message
set g_messageEnabled "0" 
set g_messageStart "30"
set g_messageInterval "20"
//Game messages
set g_message1 ""
set g_message2 ""
// Public Info
sets "Administrator" ""
sets "Clan" ""
sets "Connection" "Multiple OC  "
sets "CPU" " Dual 2.8 ghz Xeons  "
sets "Email" ""
sets "Hosted By" ""
sets "IRC" " set IRC channel here "
sets "Location" ""
sets "Plug" ""
sets "URL" ""
sets username "NotForYouToKnow" //block out your computer account name

seta sv_master1 "master.sof2.ravensoft.com"
seta sv_minPing "0" //sets min ping value
seta sv_maxping "200"//sets max ping value 
default: 1
desc: Determins the set of weapons a player respawns with during a pickup
0 = Default weapons (knife and pistol)
1 = Default weapons, plus AK74, Sniper, Shotgun
seta sv_maxRate "7000" 

seta sv_maxclients "%slots%" // Please do not edit this value
seta g_maxGameClients "%slots%" // Please do not edit this value
// The maximum number of players that can actually join into the game. All other connected clients can only Spectate.
seta sv_privateClients "0" 
// sv_privateClients and sv_privatePassword allow for private slots on the server. Example: If sv_maxclients = 16 and sv_privateClients = 2 then there will be 14 public slots and 2 private.
seta g_gametype "tdm" //sets game type 
// dm=deathmatch, inf = infiltration, elim = elimination, tdm = Team deathmatch, 
seta fraglimit "60" // 0 = none// sets fraglimit zero disables this feature 
seta timelimit "0" // 0 = none//sets timelimit in minutes  zero disables this feature 
seta g_roundtimelimit "4" //default setting is 5 // sets number of minutes a round  will play before cycleing in inf& elim mode
seta teamlimit "10" // 0 = none 8= default sets number of rounds a team must win before  a map is cycled 
seta g_friendlyFire "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on //sets  if you can kill your own teammates
seta g_teamForceBalance "1"//force balanced teams  1 = on
seta g_speed "330"
//sets speed at which players will move  280 is the default setting //350 is more like sof 1 speeds
seta g_respawnInvulnerability "3" //..default is 5 number of seconds your invulnerable when spawning
seta g_followenemy "0" - //disallows following of enemies //when set to one you are only able to follow ememy players zero = team only
seta g_forcefollow "1" - //0 =disallow free float ghost mode
seta g_availableWeapons 2222222222222 // that will turn off the rocket and grenade launcher (each number represents a weapon). 2 means that its available in pickup games (deathmatch) as well as non pickup games (infiltration), 1 means its only available in pickup games, and 0 means not available at all.

//*** Passwords ***
seta rconpassword "%rconpassword%" // Remote administration password.
seta sv_privatepassword "%privatepassword%" // Password for private slots on server.
//seta g_password "" // Used to password protect the server. 

//*** Server Settings ***

seta g_allowvote "0" // 0 = off, 1 = on
seta g_voteduration "99" //sets number of seconds vote will be active
seta sv_allowdownload "1" // 0 = off, 1 = on
seta g_inactivity "600" // Number of seconds before an inactive player is kicked.
seta g_timeouttospec "60" //sets time in seconds an inactive player is sent into spectator mode
seta g_suicidepenalty "-2"// sets the amount of  score  lost for killing yourself
seta g_teamkillpenalty "-1" //sets the amount of score lost for killing a team mate 

//*** Map Rotation ***
seta sv_mapcycle "tdm.mapcycle"

     <DESCRIPTION>Contains server configuration data</DESCRIPTION>

Edited by LFA
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