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Plan of Attack (hl2 mod)

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Generic POA config


<div class="pre"><pre>

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>



<NAME>Plan of Attack</NAME>










<DEFAULTCMDLINE>-console -game planofattack +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map light</DEFAULTCMDLINE>

<DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>-console -game planofattack +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map light</DEFAULTCUSTOMCMDLINE>

<PRIVATECMDLINE>-console -game planofattack +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map light</PRIVATECMDLINE>

<PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>-console -game planofattack +ip %serverip% -port %serverport% +maxplayers %slots% +map light</PRIVATECUSTOMCMDLINE>




<CONTENTS>// Voice is now supported

sv_voiceenable 1


// "Realistic" fall damage

mp_falldamage 1


// Auto team balance will balance the teams to within 1 person

mp_autoteambalance 1


// Limit the teams to a maximum difference to x players when joining

// 0 = disabled

mp_limitteams 1


// Delay all team switches until the end of the round

mp_delayteamswitch 1


// Maximum 35 minutes between map changes

mp_timelimit 35


// 2.5 minute round length

mp_roundlength 150


// FF off

mp_friendlyfire 0


// Hostname

hostname "%hostname%"


// Uncomment to turn logging on

//log on


rcon_password "%rconpassword%"</CONTENTS>








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