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noobish question

James Bond

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I am going off of my server statistics that I have been getting the whole time. My 20 man test server, when full running awe 1.4.4. Machine guns mobile turrents etc. Takes around .8 mbps.



edit: example: My dedicated server in dallas. When around 90 slots are being used I am using 4.5-5.0 mbps. According to the network tab of task manager.

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If your looking over a month - well you just set that server up, you could have downloaded the files @ 5mbps which would have inflated your numbers. I just cant believe that 1 server eats that much bandwidth. Unless its also your master server running your website/whatnot.

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It is my master server, with 0 people logged into game panel. You are correct i just set this up in Dallas. And I was testing it out. Set up 20 man, and a 64 man. With all mods. And it was 4.5-5 mbps. With both servers full. This is with maxrate set to 25,000. That reading (4.5-5.0 mbps) is based off of windows task manager. And is not averaged in any way. But before i deleted the datacenter (before i reinstalled windows server) it average like 2.0 mbps over the week. Since servers are empty about 1/4th of the day.

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And I am by no means trying to act smarter than you or call you a liar. But i will prntscrn when I get all my game servers back up. :) .... Do you have any suggestions.. This is off the subject, but i have done everything in my power to get my call of duty servers working. They started killing themselves 2 days ago and have been doing it ever since. I have done eerything, new game files, reinstalled control panel, reinstalled os and started everything from scratch and cod servers are still doing the same thing. I am out of ideas and my dedicated host says their server is fine.

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Omg. I am very angry. At everything. I have reloaded the operating system twice reinstalled everything from scratch, twice. And put 3 differenty versions of game files... And it still is not working. AND I just got an email from teamspeak tellnig me i didn't properly register. So. My day is wonderful.... Doesn't it sound like my dedicated server is screwed up to you?... Softlayer continues to tell me their server is fine.

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About every 20 minutes all of my call of duty servers will use half the amount of ram they normally use and basically render themselves useless. As people on the servers are kicked and noone else can connect. There is no reason for this and it started 4 days ago. I have reinstalled everything from scratch twice and am now on my third attempt. I am praing it will work correctly this time. Especially after 3 fresh installs of the os.

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