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YesYesHosting.com - Need Your Help!


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My new Hosting company, YesYesHosting.com. We offer game servers and web hosting, the problem is my prices are a bit cheap, when all of your hosting company's start, were your prices lower and then did you increase them as you grew bigger.


Thanks Jonathan Thirkill

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Do not be afraid to raise your pricing. Agreed it is tough when you first enter the market. But do not be fooled into pricing wars with all the cheap hosts. Provide a quality product at a reasonable rate and you will have a better chance at survival.


As it stands now, I am already impressed with your site. It is clean, easy to navigate, and you have a REAL ordering system! That puts you ahead of 50% of hosts out there right away.


I am sure some of the big boys will be through here to post their thoughts as well. Good luck with your new venture! :)

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Thanks guys, i am glad you like my site, yes it is tough at first. I have started with 1 dedicated server, and within 1 week i have sold 4 servers at about 60 slots, i don't know if thats good but it did fell good when i got my first customer. I am already on Google Ad words thats bringing in business, i just was looking around everyones site and i saw that i was way too cheap!

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yes, but i run into a snag, i am only just breaking even, by about £5 per dedicated Server, which to me is not worth the hard work, i have got 2 staff already, close friends, and i have got another friend in London doing anything server side.


The plan seems to be working were just not getting in enough money, my worry is that if i increase my prices they will see my prices are the same as yours and think why don't i go with a bigger company, you see thats the problem and i cant exactly suddenly change my prices once i am bigger!


Thanks Jonathan Thirkill

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Raise your pricing. It needs to be worth the while of doing it, unless your plan is simply to break even.


A "for profit" business needs to make money to survive. Whether it be now or later at some point you will need to start making something. Personally I would suggest raising your prices now before you find yourself with too many clients paying a low rate.



Just my $.02

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Ok, thanks for all your suggestions I have decided i am going to go half way! 1.25 Per slot, 6.00 for 100 tick, 3.00 for public and 3.00 for debranded. The thing is my network i am on seems to be great. The average client ping is 20-30 here is a screen shot



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End of the day you need to make money. You are going to find @ 1$/slot you CANNOT make money, just not possible and still provide quality service.


If you want to do 1$ hosting, find pentiumD for 100$ and see how many people you can fit on there before it blows up lol

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