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Nascar 2003 Again


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Has any-one every come up with a config to load this into TCAdmin that works? I have it on one of our servers...but can't get it to launch either IP or Sierra lobby


I would hate to have to rent a server just so a few of us guys can mess around on it and take a break :~ lol...



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It is not one of our supported games. I know that we have clients that do use our software to host it, by no clue what their configs are like.


People have requested configs in the past and never got replies. But maybe one of them will be in a kind mood and post one.

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Honestly if I had a config I would post it. The game setup is cryptic like.


If it is just a play server why not start it on the desktop? If I remember it does have a GUI that you can make your selectiong and then launch it?

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Ok...lol...I followed everthing to a T..dotted my I's...I have only 4 IP's binded to the NIC...and this is what I get when I create, and lauch the server...


<- From the application log in 2003->

Faulting application server.exe, version, faulting module server.exe, version, fault address 0x0018c819.


and attached is the nr2003 config...


Have I had enough?....NEVER!!!!!...(heard that on a movie)

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Yes I just tried that...it loads...then exits....and throws that same error...So...I deleted the whole dir,reinstalled the game to another drive here locally....and re-uploaded it agin. ran the cfg and set it to the server video settings....and ...lol...same error I even did the DEP...



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