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Just some examples so you can get started.




This script gets a list of services installed on the current server and displays them in the console. It can easily be modified to restart each service. Visual Basic and C# included.




To have the console close automatically just change




<waitForUserAction value="true"/>


<waitForUserAction value="false"/>


Visual Basic .NET


<language name="VB" />
<waitForUserAction value="true"/>


 Imports System

 Public Class Test
 Public Shared Sub Main()
   Console.WriteLine("Getting a list of services on this server...")

   'Get this server's id
   dim thisServerId as String = TCAdminSDK.Info.GetThisServerId()

   'Get a list of all services on this server
   Dim services() As TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service = TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service.GetServicesByServerId(t hisServerId)
   for each s as TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service in services
     'Write the service id

   Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue.")
End Sub
End Class






<language name="C#" />
<waitForUserAction value="true"/>


 using System;

 public class Test{

 public static void Main(){
   Console.WriteLine("Getting a list of services on this server...");

   //Get this server's id
   string thisServerId = TCAdminSDK.Info.GetThisServerId();

   //Get a list of all services on this server
   TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service[] services;
   services = TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service.GetServicesByServerId(t hisServerId, null);

   foreach(TCAdminSDK.Objects.Service s in services){
     //Write the service id

     Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue.");



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