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That is a tutorial I wrote over @ condascode.



Command line parameter for windowed is /serveronly You can also use -w but if you run multiples use the /serveronly switch.


You wont be able to get it to login though. I use a special dedicated server version (affiliate code) and mine do not require login. ;)

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That is a tutorial I wrote over @ condascode.



Command line parameter for windowed is /serveronly You can also use -w but if you run multiples use the /serveronly switch.


You wont be able to get it to login though. I use a special dedicated server version (affiliate code) and mine do not require login. ;)


Ahhh ok, thank you for the link and code, appreciated...


Would be nice to have affiliate version, I have did a little reading on it after reading your reply. Seems next to impossible to be an affiliate, so congrats to you lol :)


Thanks Again,



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