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Multi login thingy, WILL PAY!!


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Ok well i currently have 2 tc admin accounts and don't want to get a remote as I already have quite a few servers on both so don't really want to install it all to a new tc admin or whatever.


Anyways basically I need something with 2 text boxes 1 saying username 1 saying password.


A list box saying something like ' tc admin #1' and 'tc admin #2'.


And then a login button.


So that when tc admin#1 is selected it will use the login info to login to tc admin#1 hope you get what I mean.


It doesn't have to be fancy or anything as I already have the css I want to use with it. Just need the code.


If you can help please conctact me ASAP admin[at]scattyhosting.com

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I just messed around and it worked fine for me, I don't have 2 seperate tcadmin logins but I do have a gamepanel which I used, brings you back to a login page but it's simple and works. You can use html to center and change colors. Here you go, just make sure to change the url's to point to your tcadmin's login.aspx


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Travis he was looking for a single form. I whipped this up in a couple seconds for him, I'll share incase others have simular needs.


<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function ActionDeterminator()
if(document.myform.site[0].checked == true) {
  document.myform.action = 'http://site1.com/Templates/Default/login.aspx';
if(document.myform.site[1].checked == true) {
  document.myform.action = 'http://site2.com/Templates/Default/login.aspx';
return true;
// -->

<form name="myform" method="post" action="http://site1.com/Templates/Default/login.aspx">
Control Panel:<br>
<input type="radio" name="site">http://site1.com/Templates/Default/login.aspx<br>
<input type="radio" name="site">http://site2.com/Templates/Default/login.aspx<br>
User: <input type="text" name="USERID" size="22"><br>
Password: <input type="password" name="PASSWORD"size="22"><br>
  onClick="return ActionDeterminator();"><input type="reset" value="Reset">



No its not made to look pretty, visual aesthetics is the site owners job. I just did functionality ;)

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Just to add to what studeggle has already done, i have added a drop down list rather than radio buttons just incase some people would like a list rather than buttons.


<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function ActionDeterminator()
if(document.myform.site[0].selected == true) {
  document.myform.action = 'http://site1.com/Templates/Default/login.aspx';
if(document.myform.site[1].selected == true) {
  document.myform.action = 'http://site2.com/Templates/Default/login.aspx';
return true;
// -->

<form name="myform" method="post" action="">
 <p>Control Panel:
<input type="text" name="USERID" size="22">
<input type="password" name="PASSWORD"size="22">
<br />
<select name="site" id="site">
 <option value="0">Server 1</option>
 <option value="1">Server 2</option>
  onClick="return ActionDeterminator();">
   <input type="reset" value="Reset">

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<form name="myform" method="post" action="">
                         <label for="username"><span class="login-bos">Username</span>:</label>
                         <input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="20" />
                         <label for="password">Password:</label>
                         <input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="20" />
                         <select name="site" class="submitbuttonBlack3" id="site">
                           <option value="0">Game-Server</option>
                           <option value="1">Voice-Server</option>
                           <option value="2">Billing-Control</option>
  onClick="return ActionDeterminator();">

<script type="text/javascript">
function ActionDeterminator()
if(document.myform.site[0].selected == true) {
  document.myform.action = 'connect.php?login=Login';
  		if(document.myform.site[1].selected == true) {
  			document.myform.action = 'connect.php?login=Login';
		if(document.myform.site[2].selected == true) {
 				 document.myform.action = 'whmcs/dologin.php?goto=clientarea';
return true;
<?php $error = $_GET['error']; if($error == "1"){echo '<font color="red">', "The username and password combination was incorrect", '</font>';} ?>


Please tell me if this works, liam email me if this does not work with your login.

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Works wonders


<form name="myform" method="post" action="">
                           <label for="username"><span class="login-bos">Username</span>:</label>
                           <input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="20" /><Br />
                           <label for="password">Password:</label>
                           <input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="20" /><br />
                           <select name="site" class="submitbuttonBlack3" id="site">
                             <option value="0">Game Server Control Panel</option>
                             <option value="1">Voice Server Control Panel</option>
                             <option value="2">Billing System</option>
                             <option value="3">Web Control Panel</option>

  onClick="return ActionDeterminator();">

                           <script type="text/javascript">
function ActionDeterminator()
if(document.myform.site[0].selected == true) {
  document.myform.action = 'connect.php?login=Login';
  		if(document.myform.site[1].selected == true) {
  			document.myform.action = 'connect.php?login=Login';
		if(document.myform.site[2].selected == true) {
 				 document.myform.action = 'billing/dologin.php?goto=clientarea';
  				if(document.myform.site[3].selected == true) {
  					document.myform.action = 'connect.php?login=Login';
return true;
<?php $error = $_GET['error']; if($error == "1"){echo '<font color="red">', "The username and password combination was incorrect", '</font>';} ?>


That is the form with the webhosting control panel link included :-)

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