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Changing a processor Priority


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Afternoon Gents (And gentle ladys if applies (must be politically correct))


Would any-one know how to change a running process priority?

Here's the deal, NR2003 AGAIN! It would seem that the server.exe is running on high priority...after a few e-mails I have found out that this is not needed...normal will be just fine, hence forth dropping the cpu load.


If you stop the server.exe in TCadmin...end the server.exe process in taskmanager, Then start server.exe from within the game folder...Hmmm 10% CPU load instead of 45-50% and it loads like lightning!! when you check that way in taskmanager you are able to change the priority down to normal, where it had not be able to accesed as a service to change.


Any-one have any Ideas on how this might be done?...I am almost blind from searching the web and MS support on how this might be done. to no avail I might mention....but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night.


Thanks for now






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Open "Service Settings" for one of your game servers and look for the "Service Settings" heading.


Change the Priority: to whatever you would like it to be. By default it is set to normal.




Save, and restart the game server through TCAdmin.

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This is what I have found...and nevermind the last post...lol DUH!


I have the remote stopped. When I set the priority in TCadmin to normal...restart it, I watch the server.exe reload in the task manager on all remotes ( i have tried all the remote servers)...It is still set on high when checked...not normal like i set it to in TCAdmin?


Any Ideas to as why?



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