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Server Tick Jumping


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Hey all i just have one simple question. All of my servers tick rates always are changing alot. if its 66 tick it will go down to the 40's and if its 100 tick it will go down to the 60's could you please tell my why this is happening and how it can be stopped. thank you


i have also noticed that the server lags a bit when full, it jumps a little. how can i solve this. Increasing the fps?

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You need to install this. http://www.brainless.us/index.php?name=Downloads&req=viewdownload&cid=7


Then set "+fps_max 100" (without the quotes). That 100 can go up to 500 on windows boxes but it uses substancially more resources. You should be able to safely host about 100 slots of 100-tick 500fps source server goodness if you have the bandwidth to cope. If you drop it down to 100fps 100tick you may be able to get in 30-40 more slots if your connections allows and my slot figures are on the super safe side for your box. 250fps shaves 5 seconds off of your ping 500fps shaves 8ms off of everyones ping. and 500 is where windows stops. If you want more, you'd have to do custom linux compiling. Restart the server and you'll be good.

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