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Help me someone i got te MS windows xp profesional i dont know why


i go to http://myip:8888 i got the page like white and


Hello TCAdmin user,


I bet you are trying to access your control panel. I am sorry to say this is not your control panel. This is your TCAdmin Monitor. When you ran the TCAdmin configuration utility it asked you to create a website. That is where you should connect. By default the website is created on port 80 but port 81 might also be used.


If the TCAdmin configuration utility didn't ask you to create a website you probably need to install IIS. In that case please install IIS and reinstall TCAdmin as a Master and Web Server. If you don't know how to install IIS ask your dedicated server provider or read this knowledgebase article on our website.


Thank you for choosing TCAdmin. : )


why? help please

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That means the user that TCAdmin creates during the install was not created, or the permissions on the web folder are incorrectly set.


Best bet is to put in a support ticket and one of us can take a look for you.


goto http://www.tcadmin.com/billing login and click the "Get Support Link" at the top of the page.


You may just want to put the server login info right in the ticket.

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eh.. in my IIS 6.0 Menager i have TCAdmin (Stoped) :/ i can start it when i install the tcadmin i don`t know i thnik this is the step when i need create my web site i fill in the WebSite Name and press Create and give me error like this The Web Site is Create but not be started something like that and show me port 80 or 81 maybe used:/ i don`t know please help me...

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