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<a3-cs|MicGoogle>Would your company like to sponsor my clan

<[FragnServers]-Jordan> No

<a3-cs|MicGoogle> well would fragnservers like 2 partner up

<[FragnServers]-Jordan> please send details to partners@fragnservers.com

<a3-cs|MicGoogle> o ok no thanx

<a3-cs|MicGoogle> im not going 2 send anyone emai

<a3-cs|MicGoogle> email

<a3-cs|MicGoogle> dont haev time for that

<a3-cs|MicGoogle> but thanx

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I like the emails requesting you to sponsor them, and in the text, they have the wrong company name....



Hello, I'm XXXXX and I'm player of a cod2 clan.

I'm asking you / WRONG COMPANY NAME / if u would maby want to sponsor our clan.

We just started our Multigaming clan buth we have game experience and look fore a sponsor sow my question to you is ; Do you maby want to sponsor our clan?

How I already told you , we just started buth we already wone some cups hosted by other clans.

Our most succes is in the Cod2 world, :

-Rank 156 of europe S&D

-Rank 40 of Europe TDM

We can give u the proof of this, http://www.clanbase.com it's the biggest tournament/ladder/games/lan site.

All game's are on this site and they make tournamens / ladders fore that game and we will change our name on this site into ur compony name sow you can get more visiters to your site.

What we also do is put ur Site label on our site http://www.XXXXXXXX.com sow u also get more visiters.

What we want you to do is ;

-You can host our clan stuf like servers fore cod2 / Teamspeak -You can pay our servers -You can sponsor us t-shirts on lans What ever u want to do , u can make a decision

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