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TCAdmin Build 1.0.2737.22278


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Update + Fixes- Important note for Linux testers: Before installing this update you need to update Mono to the latest version (1.2.4 May 15 2007).

If you install this update without updating Mono your monitor will not start with the error "The requested feature is not implemented".

This update adds a possible fix to the problem when the game server is started more than once at the same time.

To update mono run the uninstall script in the mono installation folder. Install the new version and update the symlink in /home/tcadmin/mono


What's New:


- Added an option in the support system to delete a user's support tickets when the user is deleted. If this is not enabled the existing tickets will be closed.


- Added an option in the support system to allow admins to unassign tickets.


- Added paging to the News list in the admin and user pages.


- You can use '%' to specify the type of search. For example 'bill%' will filter users starting with bill. If you don't enter '%' it will search for users that contain the word bill anywhere (%bill%).


- The America's Army query will read /system/server.log to see if the server is using a different query port. In the service settings leave the default query port 1717. The query port is only written to the log when running in lan mode (custom maps).


- Added a new report to show more information for game servers. You can view the report by clicking on "More Info" next to the game server status or by going to Reports > Game Server Reports > Game Server Status.


- Added brute force detection to the web login and ftp. After 10 invalid logins the ip will be banned for 15 minutes. When an ip is banned a message is saved to Web.Security.txt for web logins and Monitor.Security.txt for ftp logins.


- Added an option in the supported game settings so you can disable the user reinstall button for individual games. This overrides the global configuration in the game server automation settings.


- Added an option in the system monitor to set the interval in which the data is collected. Default is 3 minutes. Increase the time to reduce the amount of information collected by the master monitor.


- Added a new script in the ScheduledTasks folder named SystemMonitorCollectorRemote.tcascript. Run this as a task on the remote servers if you want each server to process its own system monitor logs. This will reduce the resource usage and time it takes to load the information on the master.


- After installing a mod, game update or map all inputs are hidden to avoid confusion.






- The mod installer will delete the temporary downloaded file if it already exists.


- The AMXX and Mani editors are able to write to the files if they are read only.


- When deleting a user the news items will also be deleted from the database.


- The command line builder will show the all configured parameters when logged in as admin. If the admin creates a command line with a parameter that does not have user access enabled he will not be able to edit it.


- Fixed a problem that caused the voice servers list to slow down if a teamspeak server is down.


- Fixed subuser permissions for the log viewer.


- Fixed subuser permissions for support tickets.


- Changed the way Windows services are updated to prevent "could not install service" errors.


- When creating a game server using the advanced option in pending setups TCAdmin will send the new user email if needed.


- When creating a voice server it will only send the new user email if configured in the game server automation settings.


- The Monitor.config is only modified at startup when needed to prevent random write errors.


- When moving a game server the paths are updated in the config files.


- New user email is not sent when creating a game server if it is not enabled in the automation settings


- Fixed Gamespy 3 player information (Vietcong 2, Fear, etc)


- Fixed Quake 4, America's Army, MOH queries on Linux


- Fixed an error when setting an invalid ip in the server settings


- Fixed an error when extracting zip files with invalid paths


- The datacenter list in the auto setup page checks the server's service limit before adding it to the list of available locations.


- When reinstalling a game server after an error the temporary file from the previous reinstall is deleted.


- RAR files will be extracted one at a time to prevent the error when extracting 2 or more at the same time.


- Fixed a problem when when the billing api generated a new user id.


- Fixed a problem with some characters showing as '?' in FTP.


- Fixed a problem when users were created with the word 'where'.


- The billing api was not sending an error message when there was an error creating the user.




Changes to the TCAdmin installer:


- When installing ASP.NET it will also enable the .NET 1.1 web extension.


- If the server is 64bits it will automatically configure IIS in 32bit mode so the TCAdmin website can run correctly.

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