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Opinion on 1 / 5 possible Version 2.0 of our website.


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Hey fellas, just curious as to any feedback on the design of this site, we have 5 designers that we have purchased preliminary designs from and are choosing from those of which one to complete...We have gotten loads of positive feedback from 'pub' players, but loads of negative feedback from 'competative' players....So we are trying to get some more feedback on this site from the professional viewpoint...Please give positive or negative feedback, but no flaming please :[


Much appreciated guys! Thank you!


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I do somewhat like it.


I think everything is really "big". Icons, boxes ect....


I think that the design's style concept is very good. Work with Kingstone a bit more. He did our site when he was first starting up and I know he can do some amazing work.


Thinks I notice....


-"Buy Now" button and prices on the Specials dont really fit..(blue vs everything else green)

-The right column (client test, test Ip's ect) could be a little more narrow....seems like it takes "to much" of the page for someting that should be sub-content.

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Not bad Adam, I like the darker colors for gaming sites. But honestly I'm not really too keen on all the new sites being designed by some of the bigger groups, They all use what looks like one template and just change the colors and layout for each customer and tack on a hefty price tag for it.. I personally prefer a totally fresh looking site over any of those but I suppose with one off custom designs generally running several thousand depending on style then those aren't bad.

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I think the site looks decent, but I see a growing trend in GSP sites that they make it hard to find what you want and order.


I think the first thing you should have is order links for all games right on the index page, or at least easy access to ordering what you want. Some sites you actually have to hunt for a text link that then brings you to an order page.

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Appreciate the replys guys.


I do agree with a lot of GSP sites starting to look the same, and I believe the reason for that is mainly 16 year olds with no $ to purchase a real site. That is something we are trying to veer away from, but yet keep some core components that users are asking for. Which is the main reason I have 5 design firms working on this next release, I feel the ease of use and appeal of the website dramatically changes the conversion rate for visitors/customers.


My personal opinion is I feel the site is to 'boxy' , I think if it were to flow more as 1 site it would look more professional, and I still don't know what pulls my eye to the 'test ips' area of the design...I just cant put my finger on it, might be what swish said...Just something about it.


Rich: I agree with you, and we all know money doesn't grow on trees.. damnit! :) Though again, I think the company face is extremely important and would rather pay the extra instead of getting away with something cheap. My prices have ranged from $150 - $3000 (With the firms I'm working with atm)


ECF: I completely agree with you there!. Personally though, we sell more of our packages than single servers which is the major push for the packages on the mainsite. Frankly though, I have never tried putting the main packages out on front either, so might be something I have to try this month. I can agree as a customer having to find things on a site is extremely aggrivating. Ahem 2checkout !! HORRID!


Thanks for all the feedback though guys! I definately appreciate it, community support here is great.



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