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CSS Tickrate Question


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I am running about 4-5 100 Tickrate CSS servers. I have the SRCDSFPSBOOST running as a service on the server where the 100 tickrate game servers are hosted.


Sometime the tickrate jumps from 100 to about 50-70. I have a feeling that something is being shared. Is there a way for this to stop happening? Now hardware isnt a question. I'm running a box that costs $800 a month.


Any suggestions will be appreciated.



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Theres many things that can cause jumpy tickrates, need more input...


Which OS are you running? What kind of hard drives? Run any other game servers on the machine besides the 4-5 css?


And are you attaining these stats from the ingame rcon stats command?

Sometimes that isn't very reliable, download process explorer from windows and you can see quite a bit more thats happening with each instance, easier to see whats might be bogging it.



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