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My webhost + no iis? help.


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"Dreamhost" doesn't support .NET and that is the real killer. There are ways to run .NET websites on apche and linux but you need full access to the server and you need to know your way around linux.

So I think your only solution is a secondary hosting account which TcAdmin does offer.

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Or you could do whats mentioned before, put your CPanel on one of your dedicated machines that has some spare room on it, and put the rest of your website on your hosting, link your panel from your website to the panel on the dedicated you have the panel on.


This is what we do, as we use Linux for all our webhosting and voice hosting, and Windows for our GameServers. I have a seperate private box that just runs our SQL servers and Cpanel, makes it quite a bit more speedy aswell.

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In a nutshell you should really install it to a dedicated server. Even with a windows hosting account, most times the host blocks ports that are needed by the software which leads to problems.


Your best bet if you do not have a dedicated server to install eveything to is to grab a TCAdmin hosting account to host it on.

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