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Can someone explain to me how this works. Sorry if this has been brought up befpre but i cant find anything which answers all my questions.


I have read that it alerts you to when the branding text changes, how does it alert you?


Also, i have set up branded text in the game config in the supported games section, i have also ticked the "is branded" option in service editor for the server i am testing it on but i cannot see any change to the server and i cannot see any branding.


Anyone have any ideas?



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The Alerts should be mailed to the admin email that is setup within TCAdmin.


You can also view them in the TCAdmin console. (I think it goes in the logs aswell)


As far as the branding, did you make those changes prior to creating the server? I believe you need to change all settings, and then create the server.


Sorry not much help here...hopefully someone else will be of use :)

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Branding is text that you set which appears in the hostname of the server. If a client changes or tries to remove the text that you enter then the system can email you and the client or disable the server.


Basically branding is a way of advertising your servers. It is big over in Europe, but not many people do it here in the US.

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Thanks, I know what branding is but i am unsure how to go about setting it up via TCAdmin. As stated in my previous post i did attempt to set it up and it did not show on the server.


Am i meant to put another setting in the template config file in order for the branding to work?


I am also unsure as to how TCAdmin can tell when a person attempts to change the text.

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Ok, so i have got it to add thre text automatically now but i have one last question.


In the individual server settings if i untick the "is branded" box the text still remains in the cfg but..... does TCAdmin stop monitoring the server for the text so that we wont get spammed about alerts if it is removed?

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