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Help Installing a Game Server


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Hello, I am having issues getting a server to run. Here is what I have and did so far. I have drive C and D on my server. On my D drive, I made 2 folders: GameInstalls and UserFiles. In my GameInstalls folder, I have America's Army in rar format (AARMY.rar) and I have an AARMY folder with the rar file unzipped. Now when I setup a game server... What do I put into the requested fields? Does anyone have a tutoral or manual on how to do this step by step? I read both the directories and manual provided by TCAdmin.com but that isn't enough. Please help! My AIM is: SZSupport / E-Mail: Vinc718@si.rr.com . Thanks!

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Okay. On the "New Service" screen, here is what I need help with.




What is:




Working Directory


Game Root Directory


User Files Directory




According to the following setup that I have:




Drive "D"


I have: D:\GameInstalls and D:\UserFiles




In D:\GameInstalls, I have: AARMY.rar containing the game files and I have a folder names AARMY with the rar file unzipped there.




What goes where?


















Also, When I install a game server, is the system supposed to copy all the server files into UserFiles under that users username?




Thanks for helping!

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May I suggest visiting this thread and grabbing the AA config?








This will give you an template which will show you the fields pre-filled. You will most likely need to edit in the config or the server to have the variables match.




Also the game config is pretty in depth on what the fields are for in the manual.




Is this your first time creating game servers?

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<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">SZ-Admin</td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

Yes this is my first time creating a game server through this control panel.





I meant in general? You seem a little new to this.

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No, i installed game server manually before. but i have alot more customers now and need a cp to maintain it. anyone available for hire? to setup some games for me on my server with this control panel? Im willing to pay... :cool:

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