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Devastation by Arush games


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Hi all,

I cannot get Devastation to run no matter what I try.

I noticed this game control panel supported Devastation when I reviewing different panels, and really LIKE TC admin, but , does anyone at all have Devastation up and running on a windows server 2003 box? if so Please post back with a few pointers or general help on how to set it up...any help would be VERY appreciated,....

Thank You.

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Whoa, so no one at all will post any comments about this game? or does anyone have it installed? um...I've installed it on my pc, updated to latest patch 3.09, uploaded entire contents to server, tried using the config I found on wiki about this game, used the command line to launch game, still won't start. It shows memory being used, but no cpu %, and no other info with the Query server information not responding message.

Well if no one has an answer for this game....then I guess what about sof2?

I've installed,patched,uploaded,compatible option in TCadmin, used the import with tcadmin, it made another sof2 install line in supported games, whoa didn't expect that, so deleted 1 of them. It shows it's running but game doesn't load. I read all the forums on sof2, still with no luck.

I'm running windows 2003 SP1. well anyway, great to have forums, with so much help being offered in here for people who are having problems with certain things.

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I guess we should really update the supported games list. The list you see on the features page is based off of game queries that are availible in TCAdmin. We have not run every game on that list.


However, as long as the game uses an executable and a commandline you should be able to get any game running.


SOF2 works 100% as we have people hosting it right now. So there must be something wrong with your commandline or config files.


As Doug stated above the best way to test your servers is to run one right on your desktop. That way you can see why it is not starting.


You can also refer to this troubleshooter in our support system to show you have to run the same commandline that the software uses to test it on the server desktop.



Also, these forums are not constantly checked by staff every second of the day. If you have questions and need a faster answer please create a support ticket.

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Thank You for replying to my post, it's very appreciated...

I am really liking TCadmin, it's a great program with nice features.

I will try the things you've suggested. Also you testing/configuring the games you have listed? would be a good thing, becuase you'd might get even more clients that way, especially if it were preconfigured with a default config, and command line like the other games have. I am VERY interested in seeing the next version/update of TC admin, I personally will be around for awhile as a TCadmin user. Keep up the Great work guys...

Have an Awsome Day,

Jimmy M

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Kevin I hate to be a stick in the mud but we also have huge issue getting SOFII to run under TCadmin even after our Phone convo the other day, and the file I got, (Thank You By the way :-) ) but it still will not work no matter what we do. it just comes up showing the service running but not the game and the instance keeps crashing. I read some where about DEP in 2003 server being an issue. Do you know anything about it?


Also I was moving some servers around and noticed the "servermove" function is pretty much hit or miss about moving custom command lines which caused me some hours at the Console typing in all those Custom commands for my customers. But all in all it handles moves pretty smoothly


Thanks for a Fantastic Piece of software.

We still Love it depsite the minor glitches.

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I know 100% that SOF2 works. We have other clients running it right now, and I have personally run them under TCAdmin. We suggest turning DEP off on your server since it can cause problems with games and certain mods.


As for the custom commands, please submit a ticket with the details and I will ask Luis to take a look at it.

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Hi all,

Yes I am still having problems getting it to load up myself. I am gonna try to turn off DEP and reinstall the configs if necessary.

TC admin is a real nice software tool for companies like ours" GSP's" and would like to continue using it, but maybe if someone like yourself ECF or a client could actually list how they got their SOF2/Devastation game to load up and run? that would be GREAT? and I don't mean to install it for me, but simply how they installed the default config? the SOF2 key issue? and got the game to launch. I'd be more than willing to help anyone here if I could or in future if they needed assistance.

Well Ladies/Gentlemen, thx for the replys and anxiously awaiting a possible solution,

Have A Great Weekend,

Jimmy M

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mijjim, TCAdmin is merely a tool to be used to make our jobs easier. It's not meant to be a 'GSP in a box' and as such I don't see a way the guys here could possibly make it 100% user friendly to every customer just by virtue of the different ways companies tend to set up and run their servers. The CP works perfect for what it's designed for. It was never meant to be a one click and your in business panel.


I believe a big misconception to new users and this may or may not be how you think of the program but a large portion believe they can simply rent a dedicated machine, install tcadmin and every game they want to host just works perfectly. I don't mean to come off as rude and I honestly hope it doesn't sound that way because this isn't my intention. but please understand what the program was designed to do. Simply put it's a tool to ease the work load of GSP's, The panel works very well but it was designed based on the assumption that the GSP already has a working knowledge of the games they are offering.


All I'm saying is you cannot expect the staff here to teach you how to run the games. They build control panels.

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Your statement is not too bold, I am in agreement with you, The staff at TC admin are not here to teach people how to install game servers for GSP' as such. I am somewhat tech savvy with most things in the I.T. field, but I do give lots of credit to the people who designed and built TC admin, it's a great utility, like I mentioned earlier" this is a tool that works great for it's purpose of GSP' companies.

If you read again, I clearly stated "I'm not asking them to install for me", just post a few help statements that showed how they got their SOF2 server running.

I do appreciate your comments, and consider I am still somewhat new to owning a game service provider company, and we all have a certain level of learning and experience in this businees field.

I do look forward to TC admin newer version/update they are working on.

Well, off to work on getting this problem resolved with the SOF2 and Other games installed.

Have A Great Day/Night.

Jimmy M

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Thanks guys for replying... I DO NOT want to cause any problems in TCadmin or in these forums, that's not what my questions are about.

I am just trying to get my game servers working, that's all, no harm meant :grin:

So anyway..I'm still going thru the server configs, double checked everything, and even turned off the DEP in boot.ini file.

I will eventually get this working, just a matter of locating the problem and fixing it.

THANKS , and Good luck to everyone here at TC admin and other companies...

Jimmy M

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Make sure that your commandline is exactly the same in TCAdmin, then use the following troubleshooter and login in console mode to see why the game is not starting.




This should give you any error message or show why the game is not starting.


One tip I can give you is UT does not like spaces in the commandline. Make sure there are not spaces in the path for that game.

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