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Quake Wars Retail


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Retail files here:

Server: http://planetquakewars.net/338?fileId=3423


Patch for server: http://planetquakewars.net/338?fileId=3424


http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10472 for linux/windows mirrors.



I do have an error with the config though but I dont know where I am going wrong with it.


The config has


set si_needPass "0"

set g_password "%privatepassword%"


which translates to


set si_needPass "0"

set g_password ""


for the actual game but when you go to Server Administration it will say Password: True.


edit: I guess its just a problem communicating between TCadmin and Quake Wars retail, because theres plenty of people joining the public games.

Quake Wars.txt

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I'm assuming its accepting %privatepassword% as a like a null character, adding

set g_password ""


..Which you might have to compeltely remove that line from the config, and possibly add it to the commandline or elsewhere to rectify? Hmm..


I'm testing atm.

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If it is fixed am i right to assume you have updated the config file?


EDIT: would it be posible for you to post your server config? I used the game config as listed and i dont see any server.cfg in there.


When you said there was an error with the config i thought you meant server.cfg because i cant see any of those commands listed in the game config above.


Also, could you please tell us how you fixed it, for reference purposes only.


And many thanks,

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The error doesnt really exist. While it might say there is a password to the game, there really isnt.



As far as server.cfg goes just copy and paste the part above that says server.cfg in the file above.


set si_name "%hostname%"

set si_minPlayers "6"

set si_maxPlayers "%slots%"

set si_rules "sdGameRulesCampaign"

set si_timeLimit "30.000000"

set si_needPass "0"

set g_password "%privatepassword%"

set net_LANServer "0"

set net_LANForceAuth "0"

set si_teamForceBalance "1"

set si_teamDamage "1"

set net_serverPunkbusterEnabled "1"

set bot_minClients "-1"

set bot_uiNumStrogg "8"

set bot_uiSkill "Easy"

set bot_aimSkill "Easy"

set bot_skill "Easy"

set bot_doObjectives "1"

set si_pure "0"

set si_adminStart "0"

set g_xpSave "1"

set si_disableVoting "0"

set si_spectators "1"

set si_allowLateJoin "1"

set g_execMapConfigs "0"

set si_readyPercent "51.000000"

set g_gameReviewPause "0.500000"

set g_gameReviewReadyWait "0"

set g_warmup "0.500000"

set g_warmupDamage "1"

set g_muteSpecs "0"

set si_disableGlobalChat "0"

set g_complaintLimit "6"

set g_complaintGUIDLimit "4"

set g_maxPlayerWarnings "4"

set g_allowComplaint_firesupport "1"

set g_allowComplaint_charge "0"

set g_allowComplaint_explosives "1"

set g_allowComplaint_vehicles "1"

set si_motd_1 ""

set si_motd_2 ""

set si_motd_3 ""

set si_motd_4 ""

set si_adminname ""

set si_email ""

set si_irc ""

set si_website ""

set m0 "set g_nextMap $m1;spawnServer campaign_africa"

set m1 "set g_nextMap $m2;spawnServer campaign_northamerica"

set m2 "set g_nextMap $m3;spawnServer campaign_northeurope"

set m3 "set g_nextMap $m0;spawnServer campaign_pacific"

vstr m0


also you will want to make a usergroups.dat with this;


// Players may only log into a group with a password


group default {

voteLevel 1



group trusted {

voteLevel 2



group admin {

password %rconpassword%


// This sets which groups people in this group may move other people into

control {

























// This controls which votes a player within this group may issue

voteLevel 5


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Have added both of the files above. The server is now starting fine (according to the server.log file) but TCAdmin stil says that the "server is not running" wen checking the server status link.


An ideas what is causing this?


Here is the server.log


2007-10-01 20:18:19 : log file 'server.log' opened on 2007-10-1, 20:18:19

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : si_version: ETQW 1.0.10826.32242 win-x86 Sep 12 2007 20:03:01

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : g_version: ETQW 1.0.10826.32242 win-x86 Sep 12 2007 19:13:55

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : Current search path:

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054/base

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak004.pk4 (4970 files - 0x7e49f838 referenced)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak003.pk4 (2480 files - 0x99dfcabb referenced)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak002.pk4 (25 files - 0x8dbe7353 not referenced)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak001.pk4 (1009 files - 0x10e16e6 not referenced)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak000.pk4 (408 files - 0x442eb08b referenced)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\game002.pk4 (3 files - 0x423b0bb not referenced)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\game000.pk4 (3 files - 0xe7110f5c not referenced)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : game DLL: 0x254af14b in pak: 0xe7110f5c

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : Addon pk4s:

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : ********************

ERROR: User Map Start Denied 'Unknown Campaign 'campaign_demo''


2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_SsNext = 283760 (0 to 999999)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_LogNext = 2 (1 to 999999)

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: 0 Power Players loaded from C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\pb\pbpower.dat

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: 0 PB Rcon Filters loaded from C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\pb\pbrcon.dat

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: 0 Map lines loaded from C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\pb\pbsvmaps.cfg

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: Attempting to resolve master7.evenbalance.com

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: Resolved to []

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.298 | A1313 C1.729) Enabled

2007-10-01 20:18:19 : PunkBuster Server: Game Version [ETQW 1.0.10826.32242 win-x86 Sep 12 2007 20:03:01]

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This is not the demo. You have to set the correct campaign for the server to start.


Remember the config files posted here wwre for the demo servers, not the retail servers.


This is what I have for a TCAdmin config right now and it works fine.


set si_name  "%hostname%"
set si_minPlayers  "6"
set si_maxPlayers  "%slots%"
set si_rules  "sdGameRulesCampaign"
set si_timeLimit  "30.000000"
set si_needPass  "0"
set g_password  "%privatepassword%"
set net_LANServer  "0"
set net_LANForceAuth  "0"
set si_teamForceBalance  "1"
set si_teamDamage  "1"
set net_serverPunkbusterEnabled  "1"
net_ServerRemoteConsolePassword "%rconpassword%"
set bot_minClients  "-1"
set bot_uiNumStrogg  "8"
set bot_uiSkill  "Easy"
set bot_aimSkill  "Easy"
set bot_skill  "Easy"
set bot_doObjectives  "1"
set si_pure  "1"
set si_adminStart  "0"
set g_xpSave  "1"
set si_disableVoting  "0"
set si_spectators  "1"
set si_allowLateJoin  "1"
set g_execMapConfigs  "0"
set si_readyPercent  "51.000000"
set g_gameReviewPause  "0.500000"
set g_gameReviewReadyWait  "0"
set g_warmup  "0.500000"
set g_warmupDamage  "1"
set g_muteSpecs  "0"
set si_disableGlobalChat  "0"
set g_complaintLimit  "6"
set g_complaintGUIDLimit  "4"
set g_maxPlayerWarnings  "4"
set g_allowComplaint_firesupport  "1"
set g_allowComplaint_charge  "0"
set g_allowComplaint_explosives  "1"
set g_allowComplaint_vehicles  "1"
set si_motd_1  ""
set si_motd_2  ""
set si_motd_3  ""
set si_motd_4  ""
set si_adminname  ""
set si_email  ""
set si_irc  ""
set si_website  ""
set m0 "set g_nextMap $m0;spawnServer campaign_Pacific"
vstr m0 

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The file and config I posted is for retail, not the demo. Also if you just keep it to Pacific, only 4 maps will be available, ECF.


set m0 "set g_nextMap $m1;spawnServer campaign_africa"

set m1 "set g_nextMap $m2;spawnServer campaign_northamerica"

set m2 "set g_nextMap $m3;spawnServer campaign_northeurope"

set m3 "set g_nextMap $m0;spawnServer campaign_pacific"

vstr m0


Use that for all 12 maps :D


Tayzer, make sure the game is loading from the retail folder, not the demo folder.

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Thanks for the help, appreciate it. In both configs that you posted i noticed that you guys have not set the variable for si_NeedPass to %isprivate%. Does this cause problems, because this could save editing should the customer require it to be private from the word go.


Tayzer, make sure the game is loading from the retail folder, not the demo folder.


I only have the retail server files. The reason it tried to load the demo bit was because i took a copy of a server.cfg from the community forums of ET and it looks like it was set to load the demo, after using your config it loads properly.

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Ok, the server.log file now seems a bit more complete and appears as though the server is working but TCAdmin still says "server is not running" when looking at server status section on the server panel. Here is my server.log:


2007-10-02 07:46:08 : log file 'server.log' opened on 2007-10-2, 07:46:08

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : si_version: ETQW 1.0.10826.32242 win-x86 Sep 12 2007 20:03:01

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : g_version: ETQW 1.0.10826.32242 win-x86 Sep 12 2007 19:13:55

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : Current search path:

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054/base

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak004.pk4 (4970 files - 0x7e49f838 referenced)

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak003.pk4 (2480 files - 0x99dfcabb referenced)

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak002.pk4 (25 files - 0x8dbe7353 not referenced)

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak001.pk4 (1009 files - 0x10e16e6 not referenced)

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\pak000.pk4 (408 files - 0x442eb08b referenced)

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\game002.pk4 (3 files - 0x423b0bb not referenced)

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\game000.pk4 (3 files - 0xe7110f5c not referenced)

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : game DLL: 0x254af14b in pak: 0xe7110f5c

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : Addon pk4s:

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Couldn't load image: levelshots/refinery

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Failed to load image program: 'levelshots/refinery'

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: idDeclLocal::ParseLocal Failed to Parse decl 'levelshots/refinery' in file 'materials/levelshots.mtr' line 0

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Couldn't load image: levelshots/campaigns/africa

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Failed to load image program: 'levelshots/campaigns/africa'

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: idDeclLocal::ParseLocal Failed to Parse decl 'levelshots/campaigns/africa' in file 'materials/levelshots.mtr' line 0

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Couldn't load image: levelshots/slipgate

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Failed to load image program: 'levelshots/slipgate'

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: idDeclLocal::ParseLocal Failed to Parse decl 'levelshots/slipgate' in file 'materials/levelshots.mtr' line 0

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Couldn't load image: levelshots/island

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: Failed to load image program: 'levelshots/island'

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : WARNING: idDeclLocal::ParseLocal Failed to Parse decl 'levelshots/island' in file 'materials/levelshots.mtr' line 0

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : Server spawned on port 27733.

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : --------- Map Initialization ---------

2007-10-02 07:46:08 : Map: maps/refinery.entities

2007-10-02 07:46:10 : ----------- Game Map Init ------------

2007-10-02 07:46:17 : found DLL in pak file: C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\game000.pk4/compiledscriptx86.dll

2007-10-02 07:46:17 : copy compiledscriptx86.dll to C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\compiledscriptx86.dll

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : Loaded 'C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\base\compiledscriptx86.dll'

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : 262 classes

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : 80 global functions

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : ----------- Loading Map AAS ------------

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : [Load AAS Binary]

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : loading 'maps/refinery.aas_playerb'

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : [Load AAS Binary]

2007-10-02 07:46:18 : loading 'maps/refinery.aas_vehicleb'

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : collision data:

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 187 models

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 243594 vertices (2854 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 346777 edges (6772 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 140106 polygons (8756 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 478257 polygon edges (934 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 5474 brushes (171 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 32884 brush planes (513 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 79187 nodes (2165 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 307342 polygon refs (2401 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 5993 brush refs (46 kB)

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 95999 internal edges

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 1957 sharp edges

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 0 contained polygons removed

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 0 polygons merged

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 24877 kB total memory used

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 825 msec to load collision data.

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 3 KB passage memory used to build PVS

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 6 msec to calculate PVS

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 69 areas

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 106 portals

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 7 areas visible on average

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : 828 bytes PVS data

2007-10-02 07:46:19 : Spawning entities

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : ...936 entities spawned, 0 inhibited


2007-10-02 07:46:24 : ----------- Loading Map Bot Actions ------------

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : --------------------------------------

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : ----- idRenderModelManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad -----

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : 0 purged from previous

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : 1601 kept from previous

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : 382 new loaded

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : all models loaded in 0.0 seconds

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : ---------------------------------------------------

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : -----------------------------------

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : 16538 msec to load maps/refinery.entities

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : Loaded map in 17 seconds

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : hitch (100 msec)

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_SsNext = 473643 (0 to 999999)

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_LogNext = 2 (1 to 999999)

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : PunkBuster Server: 0 Power Players loaded from C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\pb\pbpower.dat

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : PunkBuster Server: 0 PB Rcon Filters loaded from C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\pb\pbrcon.dat

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : PunkBuster Server: 0 Map lines loaded from C:\UserFiles\Tayzer\GameServers\TC81356384306803071578054\pb\pbsvmaps.cfg

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : PunkBuster Server: Attempting to resolve master7.evenbalance.com

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : PunkBuster Server: Resolved to []

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.298 | A1313 C1.729) Enabled

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : hitch (100 msec)

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : PunkBuster Server: Game Version [ETQW 1.0.10826.32242 win-x86 Sep 12 2007 20:03:01]

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : Dedicated server signed in and is authenticated.

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : hitch (41 msec)


And here is a copy of my demonware_server.log:


log file 'demonware_server.log' opened on 2007-10-2, 07:46:03

2007-10-02 07:46:07 : bdNet.cpp(63): INFO: Requested port 3074, using port 3074

2007-10-02 07:46:07 : bdNet.cpp(119): INFO: UPnP discovery successfully started, timeout: 3 seconds

2007-10-02 07:46:10 : bdNet.cpp(249): INFO: no UPnP NATs found

2007-10-02 07:46:10 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(118): INFO: Running test 1

2007-10-02 07:46:10 : bdIPDiscoveryClient.cpp(91): INFO: Public IP discovered:

2007-10-02 07:46:10 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(300): INFO: Reply for test 1. Start test 2.

2007-10-02 07:46:11 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(239): INFO: Running test 2

2007-10-02 07:46:11 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(239): INFO: Running test 2

2007-10-02 07:46:12 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(239): INFO: Running test 2

2007-10-02 07:46:12 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(239): INFO: Running test 2

2007-10-02 07:46:13 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(239): INFO: Running test 2

2007-10-02 07:46:13 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(251): INFO: Test 2 failed.

2007-10-02 07:46:14 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(265): INFO: Running test 3

2007-10-02 07:46:14 : bdNATTypeDiscoveryClient.cpp(330): INFO: Reply for test 3. Moderate NAT.

2007-10-02 07:46:14 : bdNATTravClient.cpp(610): INFO: Sending keep alive to introducer(s).

2007-10-02 07:46:24 : bdAuthService.cpp(814): INFO: Task completed successfully


2007-10-02 07:46:25 : bdLobbyService.cpp(473): INFO: Connected to MatchMaking Service.

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : SDNet_DemonWare.cpp(197): INFO: Connected to Lobby Service.

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : bdLobbyService.cpp(211): INFO: Received LSG connection ID:7989047402739812377

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : bdLobbyService.cpp(158): INFO: Received message of type: BD_LOBBY_SERVICE_TASK_REPLY

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : bdRemoteTaskManager.cpp(187): INFO: Received reply on

connection ID : 7989047402739812377

transaction ID: 10103131751188805072

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : bdSecurityKeyMap.cpp(40): INFO: Putting bdSecurityID: 2edb7f6b 57852525

2007-10-02 07:46:25 : bdSecurityKeyMap.cpp(42): INFO: Putting bdSecurityKey: 79748339 a39fbe77 eed7d660 7fa1e4ac

2007-10-02 07:46:29 : bdNATTravClient.cpp(610): INFO: Sending keep alive to introducer(s).

2007-10-02 07:46:44 : bdNATTravClient.cpp(610): INFO: Sending keep alive to introducer(s).


Everything appears to be ok but im stumped as to why TCAdmin will not show it. Game compatability setting wrong possibly?

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The reason why it is probably not working is that i presumed the server files which i downloaded were stand alone. I am now guessing that in order for them to work i need the retail version game files as well? I have the game so obtaining the files is easy, just did not think i needed them.

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Here is what I created with Configuration editors for server.cfg and for the users.dat file.


So the config file ECF posted is the one to use? You guys keep correcting each other and it is getting confusing. Which one works and the final 100% one. :) thanx! :oh noes

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So the config file ECF posted is the one to use? You guys keep correcting each other and it is getting confusing. Which one works and the final 100% one. :) thanx! :oh noes


I havent used any config but the one I posted and my servers have been up for days :D

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If you want to run stopwatch (for leagues) delete the campaigns in your configuration, and add this;



set m1 "set g_nextMap $m2; spawnServer area22"

set m2 "set g_nextMap $m3; spawnServer ark"

set m3 "set g_nextMap $m4; spawnServer canyon"

set m4 "set g_nextMap $m5; spawnServer island"

set m5 "set g_nextMap $m6; spawnServer outskirts"

set m6 "set g_nextMap $m7; spawnServer quarry"

set m7 "set g_nextMap $m8; spawnServer refinery"

set m8 "set g_nextMap $m9; spawnServer salvage"

set m9 "set g_nextMap $m10; spawnServer sewer"

set m10 "set g_nextMap $m11; spawnServer slipgate"

set m11 "set g_nextMap $m12; spawnServer valley"

set m12 "set g_nextMap $m1; spawnServer volcano"

vstr m1


and of course;


change the game settings to;


set si_rules "sdGameRulesStopWatch"
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  • 4 weeks later...



I have redownloaded the server files and also used the config made by ecf and the server is still failing to show when looking at the server status section in the control panel. It says that the server is not running. Anyone have any ideas?

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