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no service


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I imported the Battlefield 2 server config file, started a service and actually saw it running in porcesses on the server but I get this when I try and add the game server:




"There are no servers with the game files for Battlefield 2. To manually create a service click here"




I've read through the manual. What is a game service? I know where to set it up, but what is it? Just the actual game server running as a service?





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You will receive that error within the game automation screen if you do not have the default server files setup on your server for that game. Within the game's configuration there are paths set to the folder on the server where the server install files are stored. For BF2 the folder name would be BF2. Referring to the directories document here http://www.tcadmin.com/downloads/directories.pdf


we can see the directory structure that must be created on the server itself. The most common would be creating a folder called C:\GameInstalls. Within this folder we place sub folders for each game like C:\GameInstalls\BF2. Within the BF2 folder we place all the server files needed to setup a new server.




Next you will need to set the install path for your server. To do this login to your panel and from the Main Menu goto System Settings>Servers, click on your server in the list and make sure you fill in the Install Files directory info. Click save and your done.




You may also create a service manually by clicking on Gaming Servers from the Main Menu and then clciking new. This way will prompt you for all the server info such as exe, ip, port etc.




To answer your question, a service is just as you stated. The game running as a service. What TCAdmin does is create a TCAdminservice containing information regarding the executable and start parameters. With this it can start the game's exe file along with stopping it. It also monitors that exe file to make sure it is running. If the exe file crashes the TCadminService assigned to it will automatically restart it if you configure it to.




Hope this helps you :smile:

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