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Trouble starting CoD4 server


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I'm having trouble with my CoD4 server. I started a server and on tcadmin's gaming services list, it says that it's running, but on it's not online on HLSW and when I try to connect to it in game it times out. I'm gonna go through a step by step of what I did so maybe someone here can point out something I missed or did wrong.


1. I imported the file posted here (http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=19374&postcount=36) to my supported games list

2. FTP'd the game to the server's remote desktop to C:\TCAdmin\Game Installs\Call of Duty 4

3. Clicked create a game and voice server and created the server


But the game server is not responding. I have a Call of Duty 2 server that works fine. Two differences between the two is on the CoD4 server, next to Service ID it says "Current PID: 0". Also, on the CoD4 server, under default config files the only thing there is the /main/server.cfg file.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Well I was still getting PID: 0 so I went into the remote desktop and tried to launch Call of Duty 4 and it said I was missing d3dx9_34.dll. So I downloaded it off the internet, put it into the C:\TCAdmin\Clients\2ndrbn\GameServers\serverid folder and the C:\TCAdmin\Game Installs\COD4 folder, but when I try to run it it says DirectX has encountered an unrecoverable error and the game closes. I'm gonna try putting the server back up anyway, but I'm not sure if it'll work.

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