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file structure


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I have successfully installed TCAdmin on our server, my next challenge is understanding what is the best file structure is or rather the most efficient. Here is my dilemma, do I need game files for each instance of a game server that I run or can 2 or more instances share the same files. To better visualize see scenarios below:


2 servers, same ip, different ports


File structure 1(Each instance with their own game files)



- Customer Game Files

- ServerIP x.x.x.a


One set of game files (HLServer for CSS for example)


Second set of game files(HLServer for CSS for example)


File Structure 2




- Customer Game Files

- ServerIP x.x.x.a

-Shared Game Files

One set of game files (HLServer for CSS for example)



My Questions regarding the above diagram:

1. What is the recommended file structure setup?

2. What efficiency gains and maintenance requirements, if any, by choosing one file structure over the other when using TCAdmin?


Questions regarding Application Settings in new service setup within TCAdmin:

1. Regarding the User Files option, can someone clarify what kind of files this field is looking for? My assumption is the files that the user of the server is going to be editing. So based on that assumption, what if user files are contained in 2 folders within the game files, how does one collapse it into one folder and still keep the integrity of the expected paths?


Thank you in advance.

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You can not run 2 game servers off of the same UserInstall. You need to put the master files in the corresponding C:\GameInstalls folder and when you use the Create a Game Server option, it will automatically copy the master files and create the user installs.

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