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Game-Monitor.com Integration


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Game-monitor doesn't require submittion of info, like gametracker and gamespy do.... Wojjie's a smarty :)


It is very useful feature though for your customers that don't feel like going through his dropdowns and such to search for there server...




Though his new site really helps out in that respect :)

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Game-monitor doesn't require submittion of info, like gametracker and gamespy do.... Wojjie's a smarty :)


If you enter search by IP address and your IP address is not in the database, you have to submit it. I have had to do that multiple times for my clan's server back in the day.



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<Wojjie_Laptop> Yeah Adam, if the server retains no stats for <5 Days, it remains on waiting list, servers with greater than 55% automatic


...Hope that clears it up for both of us...I believe he is saying that if the server doesn't have players, or is down for 5 days it stays in database but needs to be added, but if there are active stats greater than his set limiter theyll automatically be added.




Gimme a hug now, pretty please


hehe :)

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