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Todd Holley

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Ryan, Jon.... I will get to you as soon as I can. Really been a lot going on. Me having to stop running this company (I had just gotten a legal llc :) ) has really been hard. I did not have the time to continue with it currently. Although now I will be persuing other things.... It was a great learning experience and I wish I could of kept going. It was great working with all of you, I wish you all the best of luck.

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Hope you did Sell what you had Todd to cover whatever expense you might of had to at least end up with something to show for it.


Wish that would of been the case. I should have re-started a merger that I had decided to go against back in November. I have to tell you sitting there sending people their money that I owed them as I put everything down in 1 night was the hardest thing I have ever done. I honestly wished that these problems would not have come up as I thoroughly enjoyed the business.



Spartan, it is not a good idea to start a GSP. I started in january 07' and really I started too late. The chances of you making it are .00001. And the temporary damage you may cause to other gsp's by cutting prices and such is larger. But if you have your mind set, make sure to get your machines from ColoCrossing.com :)

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Yeah I was thinking of hosting like thousands of servers.....just super small. I was looking at colocrossing to colocation, if i started I would have to own my own machines. Buy yeah I probably wont be and even if i were it would be a long time from now. But best of luck, hope everything works out :)

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1000's of servers? There are not many with 1000's, I would guess a majority are not even in the 100's. Most startup GSP's only host their own clan or team servers and a handful of others. Not to say that 1000's are not possible, but the odds are not good. It would take quite a bit of $$$, time, staff, and marketing among other things to reach that type of level.

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Man I haven't been here long and it sucks to see one go down. Making a GSP profitable is not easy at all. Taking small steps is what I have done. So far very successful. I have been listening to all of you and taking some good advice. Thank you all for helping me so far.

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Starting a GSP is like starting any business if a over saturated market. It takes a lot of time and a lot of cash to grow your business. I think most people that start GSPs believe they can just put create a site and the clients will come flocking. When reality sets in they put up the closed sign. It would be nice to see the numbers of companies that come and go and how long after they started did they close shop.

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It takes a long time. While I rented dedicated servers I made no money. I went out and bought some and now I finally get to bring some money in to at least upgrade if not buy new servers.


Took over 14 months to get to the point I'm at. And advertisement out the gazoo.

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Brian makes an excellent point. I currently rent my servers and am making little money but in business. It is a huge step I think going out and purchasing your own box's.


Brian if you would email singleshotvgs[at]gmail.com I would like to talk to you more about this if you are willing to share some knowledge.

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