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MYSQL database automatted backup


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Thanks Adam


I created a .bat file with the following in it and it works great. Set it up for a scheduled task daily.


cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin
mysqldump.exe -u*dbuser* -p*dbpass* *dbname* > *location and name of file*


In that example, replace *dbuser*,*dbname* and *dbname* with the mysql database info and *location and name of backup file* with the location and name of the sql backup file. Here is an example:


cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin
mysqldump.exe -umyusername -pmypassword tcadmindb > E:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\tcadmin_sql_backup.sql

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  • 1 month later...

Just seen this and its an excellent way of doing it. Having a slight problem with it though.


My Batch file

cd C:\wamp\mysql\bin

mysqldump.exe -umyuser -pmypassword tcadmin2 > E:\backup\tcadmin\tcadmin_sql_backup.sql


Is giving the error

'mysqldump.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.


But it's in that folder, I checked.

Can anyone suggest anything to help?

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For your example your username should be myuser and password should be mypassword and database name is tcadmin2. Just want to make sure you have that set correctly. Also is that the same MYSQL install that TCAdmin is using?

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