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Copying Mods from One Game Type to Another


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I am running 2 different game types for CS: Source. One uses settings that are for general public servers while the other uses settings more geared for private match servers.


Is there a way to create game mod installers for both servers' TCAdmin mod menus by copying them from one to the other somehow instead of creating them in each one seperately? This would save me some time if possible. If not, no big deal.



Mike Vail


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You should create 2 game configuration files, one for each type. You can make a copy of the original by opening it and clicking the copy button at the bottom of the page. Then rename it to something like CSS Match and adjust any variables you need to in the default file link template files.

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Thanks for the reply ECF.


Unfortunately, I want more than just 2 different configs. I have setup things differently for Public vs Private CS: Source servers on my TCAdmin, thus I needed two different game-types. One I called CSS:Private and the other CSS:Public.


Some of the differences include limited mod and map installers for Private servers. I don't want clients running private servers like they are public servers and over taxing my systems, so limiting the mods and maps they can easily install will help prevent them from doing this.


There are however, a few mods like CPL configs, and some map packs, like CPL map packs, that I would like both game-types to have. I'd just like to be able to create one set of these shared mods and map packs and then make them available to both game-types without having to recreate them from scratch for both game-types like I do now.



Mike Vail

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