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Script Help for the Mentally Challenged.

SnM John

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Hey folks,

before I go bother Luis with a support ticket thought I would check here.


I have a custom script I want to make to create a file with inserted parameters. I do this so I don't have to create a config file to insert them.


Anyways I have already successfully done this once ( THANK YOU LUIS! )

for one of my games. But it was a simple 2 line .bat file.


Code used was like so..........


echo %gameserverroot%Game.exe > %gameserverroot%run.bat


This is the example that I was given. It worked great...

as you see below he shows me how to add more lines.


To add more lines to the file use >> for example:

echo line 1 > run.bat

echo line 2 >> run.bat



Now my problem is......The current file I want to create is 154 lines long.

Do I really have to use a > for each line? As in will line 154 require 154 of these > things or is there a better way? This is my first venture into scripting so I just don't have a clue. Am I just totally misunderstanding him?




Thanks in advance.

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no, if you use > it will overwrite existing, using >> appends to the end of file


like the following:

echo "hi im a dork" >> dork.bat

echo "cp dork.bat d:" >> dorkinstall.bat

echo "d:" >> dorkinstall.bat

echo "dork.bat" >> dorkinstall.bat


What this would do is create a file called dork.bat , add the copy command to dorkinstall.bat , add the drive select command to the dorkinstall.bat , and add the execute dork.bat line to dorkinstall.bat


this file would be 3 lines long..


I'm trying to explain it easy, hopefully that didn't confuse you more...haha


In your example, would go


echo line 1 >> run.bat

echo line 2 >> run.bat

echo line 3 >> run.bat

echo line 4 >> run.bat





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