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Live game server list


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Heres a few screen shots of a live game server list, shows current map with image, server settings, players an there status kills, score, etc.


Main page of the live game server list.



Heres where you will see server & player information.



The image below is the admin panel.



Includes a style.css all game map images and i cons.


Supports the following game types and mods using their game engine:


Americas Army

ArmA: Armed Assault

Aliens VS. Predator 2

Battlefield Vietnam

Battlefield 1942

Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2142

Call Of Duty

Call Of Duty: United Offensive

Call Of Duty 2

Call Of Duty 4

Command and Conquer: Renegade


Doom 3

Far Cry


Operation Flashpoint


Ghost Recon Warfighter

Ghost Recon Warfighter 2


Hidden and Dangerous 2

Half-Life Steam ( as in Counter-Strike 1.6 )

Half-Life WON ( as in Counter-Strike 1.5 )


IL-2 Sturmovik

JediKnight 2

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Multi Theft Auto

Nascar Thunder 2004

NeverWinter Nights

NeverWinter Nights 2


Quake World

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Quake 2

Quake 3

Quake 4

Raven Shield


San Andreas Multiplayer

Savage 1: The Battle for Newerth

Savage 2: A Tortured Soul

Serious Sam 1

Serious Sam 2

Soldier of Fortune 2

Source ( aka Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike Source, Team Fortress 2 )


StarTrek Elite-Force


Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2003

Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal Tournament 3


Vietcong 2






Also you may want to check this out http://qtracker.com/


From the convenience of one program you can manage all of the games you play, whether they're on the Internet or your LAN, without ever having to load a game. Find your friends, find new servers, watch games in progress, administer servers, and tons more.


Qtracker supports over 100 of the most popular multiplayer games, and is actively supported with regular updates.


Supported Games 108 total



Alien Arena

Aliens vs Predator

Aliens vs Predator 2

America's Army

Armed Assault

Baldur's Gate

Battlefield 1942

Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2142

Battlefield Vietnam

Blood II

Call of Duty

Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: United Offensive

Command & Conquer: Renegade

Contract: J.A.C.K.

Crysis crysis


Delta Force: Land Warrior

Descent 3

Doom 3 doom3

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil


Elite Force II

Enemy Territory:


Force Commander

Freedom Force

Ghost Recon

Global Operations


Half-Life (WON2)

Half-Life 2

Halo halo

Halo Custom Edition

Heretic II

Hexen II


IGI-2: Covert Strike

James Bond 007: Nightfire

Jedi Knight

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Kingpin kingpin

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault


Mysteries of the Sith

Nerf Arena Blast

Neverwinter Nights

Nexuiz nexuiz

No One Lives Forever

No One Lives Forever 2


Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis





Quake 4

Quake II

Quake III Arena


Rainbow Six

Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear


Red Orchestra

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Rune rune

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Serious Sam

Serious Sam 2

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter



Soldier Of Fortune

South Park

Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront II

Star Wars Republic Commando

Starsiege: Tribes


SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate

The Sum of All Fears

The Wheel Of Time


Tribes 2

Tron 2.0

Turok 2


Unreal 2 XMP

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2003

Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal Tournament 3

Urban Terror


Vietcong 2

Warsow warsow

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

World of Padman

X-Wing Alliance

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Ive purchased the livestates that cyberwoflie has built im going to give that a try as i like the idea of it automaticly reading whats installed across multiple servers from the single tcadmin DB. Just waiting for my confirmation email and ill get it live.

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Ah I see, its only running 3 servers at the moment.




When you get to the point that it has to query in real time quite a few servers and multiple users are doing it on your website, you may find the server struggling to query everything.


We were faced with the same problem, which is why we had to incorporate the seperate database and schedule a job every 5-10 minutes.

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  • 9 months later...

Cybernetic Servers the owners of that site has merged with Gaming Deluxe


Wolfie the owner of Cybernetics has taken a back seat and the owner of Gaming Deluxe is now managing things. They are still very much around, I would suggest anyone interested in this contact Gaming Deluxe W00der, although I don't know whether they are wanting to continue with this venture.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Why do I have a feeling that this site died? Noone is posting there anymore.

I like the script but I'm not giving money if the support is not decent.


I posted 1 week ago, still no answer.


Any clues?


Ive now picked up this project. Support will still come from wolfie but to be honest ive been running it for a 18months with no issues. Anyone after a months trial code please get in touch via email.




Sample stats can be seen on site here http://www.gamingdeluxe.co.uk/Network.html

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There is nothing updated from the previous release as it pretty well rounded. I have made some suggestions for toggling off line servers.


As for demo keys and replacement keys mail me direct wooder[at]gamingdeluxe.co.uk with your master server ip and ill get a key issued, that is specific to your master server :).

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