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Another NR2003 Thread


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Ok seems I have an issue. I have download a few config scripts from here for this game and to no avail can I get this to work.


I can get it installed from WHMCS to TC Admin with no problem. GO to Admin Home > Gaming Services > NR2003 42 Slots > Config Files > Editor and edit the player.ini file to add the server name and everything, but when I click save and restart the server it does not show up in the Sierra Lobby. I have checked the core.ini file to make sure it is to connect to Sierra and everything.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.



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In the core.ini file change the 1 to a 0


alternate_ip_addr_lookup=1 ; Find IP addresses another way


It should look like this. It works with more than 4 IP's bound to a NIC. We have 8 IP's and they work fine.


alternate_ip_addr_lookup=0 ; Find IP addresses another way


Set it in TCAdmin to use the default IP and change to ports 45 apart for multiple servers.

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Hey bud,


Well I tried what you said and I did all this in my template files, saved and then created another server via WHMCS and the server was processed. I went into the core.ini via the Control Panel Default Configs area and apparently it didn't save from or carry over from the Template file. So I manually changed it and still didn't see it.


I don't know why, both somethings I try to save in the Template files do not save. I set up my Sierra name and encrypted password and that didn't carry over to the server Control Panel/Default Configs/ files from the template files.


Thanks for the help

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Maybe we can help each other out here? We need help getting WHMCS to work with our TCAdmin. And we can get that N2K3 working for you. If you would like come over to our Ventrilo and we can help each other out. it will be easier to get that N2k3 working. If I'm not here SickPuppy can do it.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok hate to open this thread back up, lol. But I need some help, hehe.


I am able to write to the player and core files via TC Admin, however for some reason it will not start the server.exe file. I have set the compatibilities on the server.exe file to be compatible with Windows XP, Run in 640x480 screen res, Disabled visual themes and Allow non-administrators to run this program and still not able to connect to the server.exe file.


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I have 3 people waiting for me to get this going so they can get a server now.


And for the record this is on a single IP box not a multi IP that I thought it was.


Thanks for any and all help, very much appreciated.

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  • 5 months later...

Your in the same boat I am man, except your commercially hosting the servers and I just want to get a small server up for a buddy on our GSP commercial box. No matter what I try, it won't fire up the server.exe and it's driving me absolutely nuts.

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We were able to work around the start up issues with TCAdmin but that is only going to be part of the problem. After you get it running you will see that it is a CPU hog. We had one install of NR2K3 max all 8 cores on the server.


I thought there was a fix for this...

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I thought there was a fix for this...


There is a fix, I have not had time to work on it. It appears to be a closely guarded GSP trade secret. Those that know how to fix it don’t want to share with others.


When I get it working, I will post the solution here in TCAdmin

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