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tangogc, you are missing a server config file in your TCAdmin config. There is a config that tells the server which port to start at. Here is mine.


[ Multiplayer Options ]

Collisions Enabled="1" // collisions enabled in multi-player racing

Net Connection Type="5" // 0 - 28K, 1 - 56k, 2 - ISDN, 3 - cable/dsl, 4 - LAN

Show All Lobby Players="1" // shows all drivers present in the multi-player lobby

Multiplayer Enum Type="1" // 0 = LAN, 1 = Internet

Net Data Rate="32" // client setting

Net Data Rate="32" // client setting

Net Flush Threshold="472" // threshold for auto-accumulation flush while building data chunks (default is standard MTU of 536, minus 64 bytes room for layer headers: 472)

Net Lazy Flush="0" // an explicit flush will not be called after the server re-transmits incoming data, providing less bandwidth consumption by reducing header sizes, but will increase latency

Net Join Timeout="150.00000" // How long to wait (without a response) before a game join will be considered a failure

Multi Allowed Aids="-33"

Force Physics="8" // add the following to enforce server settings: 1=auto-lift, 2=auto-blip, 4=half-rate, 8=collision thresh (for example, auto-lift + half-rate = 1 + 4 = 5)

Announce Host="1" // whether servers will attempt to register with the matchmaking service

Gamelist AutoRefresh (LAN)="1" // if true, the gamelist will auto refresh on page activation if LAN refresh type is selected

Max MP Players="%slots%"

Lobby Login Timeout="20" // Time allowed (in seconds) before Login to the internet lobby will timeout

Client Port Start="%serverport%" // Start port at which client looks for host games, range is 1025 - 65535

GT Racing 2.txt

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What I did was install the game locally and patched it, zipped the files and uploaded. Unpackaged in a folder on the server and exe the dedicated server exe on the desktop. I entered my online key and started the ded server. After it came up I closed it down and zipped the files again overwriting my original zip file.


The thing I feel makes this game not worth hosting is it eats up 100% cpu as soon as someone enters the game. So 1 core of a quad core kentsfield is running at 100%. Kind of reminds me of ArmA.

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What I did was install the game locally and patched it, zipped the files and uploaded. Unpackaged in a folder on the server and exe the dedicated server exe on the desktop. I entered my online key and started the ded server. After it came up I closed it down and zipped the files again overwriting my original zip file.


The thing I feel makes this game not worth hosting is it eats up 100% cpu as soon as someone enters the game. So 1 core of a quad core kentsfield is running at 100%. Kind of reminds me of ArmA.


We host plenty of GTR2 servers with some being 24-28 slots and don't show more then 25% CPU with a full house. You might check your setup a bit closer?

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I just started with this game and have not tweaked the settings. I did see I had one mistake in my config on this line:


Host Port Start="%serverport%" // Start port at which host games begin, range is 1025 - 65535


Original it was set at the default port. On my day off I will finally get time to test the config thoroughly and I look forward to sharing it with everyone.

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