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Vegas 2 anyone?


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I made my config and added a custom command line parameter that will allow the client to build the entire command line. I am uploading my install now.


Here are some resources


1) Ports - http://ubisoft.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/ubisoft.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=12304&p_created=1208374915&p_sid=lB2CTr1j&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MiwyJnBfcHJvZHM9ODgsMTc5MSZwX2NhdHM9JnBfcHY9Mi4xNzkxJnBfY3Y9JnBfc2VhcmNoX3R5cGU9YW5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmcF9wYWdlPTE*&p_li=&p_topview=1


2) Quote from UBI developer


Will it be possible to run several instances of the dedicated server software?

Unfortunately not.


Only 1 game server per dedicated server.

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Server Readme file that comes with the game


***************** RAINBOW SIX VEGAS 2 STAND ALONE DEDICATED SERVER ************************


Quick Start:

- Open Binaries\R6VegasServerLaunch.bat in a text editor

- Locate SET ONLINE_USERNAME= and set a valid username (ex: SET ONLINE_USERNAME=myusername)

- Locate SET ONLINE_PASSWORD= and set a valid password (ex: SET ONLINE_PASSWORD=mypassword)

- Save the file

- Double click on Binaries\R6VegasServerLaunch.bat

- You now have a running Standalone Dedicated Server, with a default configuration


Detailed Info:

- You can modify the dedicated server configuration.

- Start by ready carefully the DOCUMENTATION section of R6VegasServerLaunch.bat, and then modify to your desire.

- Then read carefully the comments in KellerGame\Config\PC\R6VegasServerConfig.ini, and tweak whatever you want

- When you're done modifying the files, double click on Binaries\R6VegasServerLaunch.bat

- You now have a running Standalone Dedicated Server, with your custom configuration



The dedicated server doesn't have an graphical interface, but you can use Punkbuster's Web Interface

to do some administration tasks. Here's the procedure:


- Inside the "KellerGame\pb" sub-directory, edit the file "pbsvgame.cfg".

- Make sure the file contains the line below:

sv_punkbuster 1



- Inside the "KellerGame\pb" sub-directory, create the file "pbsv.cfg".

- Add the following three lines to "pbsv.cfg":

pb_sv_httpport 8080

pb_sv_httpkey myhttpkey (change myhttpkey to something secret, it's your password for server administration)

pb_sv_httpAddr myipaddr (change myipaddr to the ip address of the PC running the SADS)


- Start the dedicated server.

- Open a web browser and connect to the server's IP on port 8080.

- Type in the httpkey

- You may now issue commands via the command field on this form.


For detailed information, you can consult Punkbuster's documentation:

- for admins: http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bishop-ad/index.htm

- for players: http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bishop-pl/index.htm


Server admin options via the Console Command interface:

There is also a text based command interface for more detailed server admin options.

Server Admin options may be accessible through the command console, and generally take

the form "admin.[command name] [options / params]. To use these commands, you must either

be hosting the game as the server, or you must use the punk buster web tool to send these

commands to the server. The commands are not case sensitive.


Options will generally be applied as the game starts up. If a reload is needed,

the map will reload between rounds.


admin.help -> Get a list of valid options

admin.[option name] help -> Option specific help


admin.spew -> dump current option values for all options

admin.sync -> set admin options to current server options

admin.push -> apply all admin options to current game immediately


admin.[option name] -> dump current info

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Grab it through direct2drive and download it directly to one of your servers!


Or just grab the game, and drop the disc in one of your servers on-site. From that one machine, you can pump it all the other machines. If you don't own your hardware, you could likely overnight the disk to the provider, would be likely pop the disk in the drive. It may cost you 15 mins of remote hands time (depending on the provider/dc), but it's worth it if direct2drive doesn't work out for you.........

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Well, one of the issues that bugged me about R6LV is caring over to R6LV2. Just running the files off of the desktop you get still get the issue. When 1 person tries to join the server it is fine. But if another person tries to join you get the "Unable to establish a connection" error.


You WILL need Physix drivers to run the server. Here is my config with custom command line parameters to build a complete command line.

Rainbow Six _ Las Vegas 2.txt

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1) There is no server name. The ubi username you use to login is what distinguishes your server from the rest. When you mouse over the server in the browser, it displayes the username on the bottom left of the screen


2) To enable pb, create a file in the Kellergame/pb folder called pbsvgame.cfg. In that file put a single line


sv_punkbuster 1


and save the file. Next time you start the server pb will start up.


3) The server config is called in your command line. The default one is Kellergame/Config/PC/R6VegasServerConfig.ini

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To be honest, the server files are on par as the first R6LV. Basically the bear minimum to get the server running as a dedicated server with little to no support from UBI. My favorite is they have the letters SADS in the server exe. As if that is a standalone dedicated server software. I guess someone should tell UBI that uploading 4 GB of a DVD install is not a SADS software.

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