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Changing Master Server


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I plan on changing my master server over the weekend (upgrade). I'm just wandering if anyone had anyone who has already been through the process would have any recommendations for me, I'm building a checklist :). I will likely be benching Win '03x32 for Win '03x64. Has anyone had any major issues with the 64 bit vers?



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we notice a slight performance difference and OS funcionality with x64.


Follow these steps to move your master. (From Luis)


- Make sure the master server requirements are installed in the new server.



- If you are using a MySQL database install MySQL on the new server. Make a backup of your MySQL database and restore it on the new server.

To backup your database you can use mysqldump.exe located in the mysql\bin folder like this:

mysqldump.exe -uroot -pRoot_Password Database_Name > C:\backup.sql

This creates the backup file at c:\backup.sql. Replace Root_Password with the root password and Database_Name with the name of your tcadmin database. The database is named tcadmin by default.


To restore your backup on the new server install MySQL GUI Tools from mysql.com. Use MySQL Administrator to create a new database and a user will full permissions on this database. By default the database and user are named tcadmin.

Save the backup file on the new server and use mysql.exe located in the mysql\bin folder like this:

mysql.exe -uroot -pRoot_Password --database=Database_Name < C:\backup.sql

This restores the backup file located at c:\backup.sql. Replace Root_Password with the root password and Database_Name with the name of the empty database you created.



- Copy the tcadmin installation folder to the new master. If you are using MS Access the database file should be in that folder (tcadmin.mdb). If you selected a different location make sure you backup this file too.


- Request a license reset so you can use your key on a new ip. Your current installation cane be active for up to 5 days with the key assigned to another ip.


- On the new server run the ENABLE_ASP_NET.BAT and then the TCAdmin configuration utility (TCAdminConfig.exe) to create the tcadmin service and website.


- Start the master monitor.


- If you have game servers on the master copy the user files from the old server to the new one and place it in the same location (c:\UserFiles).


- Log in to your control panel. Go to each of those game server's service settings. Select a new ip and save. Then start the game service.


If you have remote servers:


- If you have Remote Database Connections enabled update the MySQL server ip and login in System Settings > Remote DB Connections.


- Reconfigure the remote servers with a new Monitor.config so they know the master's new ip.

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Thanks for all the help. I have my data transfering over, in the meantime, I did a new install just to test it out, and it seems the web page/panel will not load. I tried outside the server, and inside with localhost in the web broswer. I compared it with my old server, everything matches up, not sure whats causing it.

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