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Error Message on password change


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I'm running the trial version and have it all setup and used the default login ADMIN/PASSWORD. When I try to change the password this is the error I'm getting




An error occurred while updating your password: ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query. SQL Command: UPDATE TC_USERS SET FIRST_NAME = 'TCAdmin', LAST_NAME = 'Administrator', PASSWORD='HWYzQLz9FNg4UlcsTr3Oow==', TYPE = '3', ADDRESS1 = '', ADDRESS2 = '', ADDRESS3 = '', CITY = '', STATE = '', COUNTRY = 'US', ZIP = '', HOME_PHONE = '', MOBILE_PHONE = '', EMAIL1 = '', EMAIL2 = '', STATUS = 1, PARENT_ACCOUNT = '', EXTERNAL_ID = '' WHERE USER_ID='ADMIN';



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Make sure the TCAdminWeb account has read and write access to the folder where your access database is located, or open Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Web\web.config in notepad and set the value for connectionstring to blank ( value="" ).

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