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Not me :) I rarely even visit gsptruth any longer, personally think it should be renamed gspdrama.com


IMO. GSPreport does a much better, honest way of reviewing the companies. Sponsorships are not allowed, and no reviews are added unless the corresponding person responds to an email the owner sends out, again verifying the information and verifying the team is not sponsored by the game server provider.


There also isn't an area for attempted slander and/or drama filled cheap shots.


What you get in the end, is a more complete honest attempt at giving the gameserver seeker accurate and honest reviews.


+10 for GSPReport

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I'm not defending the guy, just my personal opinion :)


Bobby, Should send him an email regarding that, as it obviously looks like what your saying is correct there, unfortunately hehe...curious though how you got his ip?


As far as sickservers being in the gsp, from what i believe these are manually edited and haven't been updated from his initial launch last month.


Gotta give him some time to iron out the kinks, site is a virgin :)

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Pretty lame if they find the time todo that, congrats on being a threat to them tho.





Thats why its even funnier, I'm no threat to them, My prices are 2 to 3 times higher than thiers. They can keep their $1.00 customers, I want no part of that segment. besides at $1.00 a slot for single-homed Level 3 connection, the customers are over paying, LOL.



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Those review sites aren't worth anything. The one thing they all have in common is the same GSP's are listed on each one and oddly enough the same unheard of companies seem to get glowing reviews..


Take a look at the members list at gsptruth.. A huge portion of the members are GSP's so who's reviewing who? :p

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I have my sources Adam...:)


Below is the ip that made the post. I wont mention the name but I'm sure most of you guys know who it is..:)


Bobby, I am the admin at GSP Report and the IP of the reviewer that you provided is false. I will not release the reviewers IP for privacy reasons, but please get some better sources before you start to slander other people.

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I beg to differ Sean. I standby my source.


To be fair, I'm letting the people know who are reading this thread, Sean the admin from GSP Report has emailed me personally and is investgating the validity of that flame post.




So your source has magical powers to have complete access to gspreport.com and obtain all the IP addresses of all the reviews posted on the website?

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As far as sickservers being in the gsp, from what i believe these are manually edited and haven't been updated from his initial launch last month.


Heh they have been updated atleast once - I remember this site ranking HypedGaming in the top 5 providers after they were out of business

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and I think that explanation was because he was "good friends" with Hyped and wanted to make sure they go out with the respect they "deserve".


While I do belive hyped had some crappy circumstances that forced them to close the doors....i dont agree with em being on a top 5 after closing doors "just outta respect".

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