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Cod 4 Mod Configuration Files.

SnM John

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Using Cod4 Mods while simple to setup and run I am trying to make things a little easier for the user.


Installing a Mod is as easy as creating a directory within the Mods folder in the Gamesever root and copying your files over and creating a new command line. Creating the command line we have working just fine within Tca there are no problems there.


The problem, and I'll use Awe4 for an example. The user has no way other than using ftp or the file manager and downloading the .cfg files for the mod. Editing them locally and then re-uploading them.


The solution would be to create an installable mod within TCA for it and then use the default configurations to edit his .cfg files and save without dealing with the ftp or file manager.


This in turn is creates another problem, when creating an installable mod within TCA you can only specify one configuration file. Awe4 itself has like 6 .cfg files.



Anyone know of a way to have TCA add or allow you to add more than one configuration file to an installable mod?


The only way I can figure out how to make this happen is to have a completely separate install of the cod4 game already running the mod by default. I could add as many configuration files as I wanted, But because of the huge file size for cod4 it's not practical to do this.


Any suggestions, thoughts, etc...

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